How do I create a custom survey style?

If the default Crowdsignal survey styles don’t meet your fancy, with our Business and Team plans, you can create custom styles and apply them to your surveys. To create and manage your styles, edit or create a new survey and click on the Survey Style tab while editing the survey:

You’ll see a page showing the default Crowdsignal styles under a column named “Themes”. Scrolling down, you’ll bump into a custom section. Click on the “Create New Style” button.

The custom style editor will now load and look something like this:

Note: remember to enter a name to save the style.

You have now full control over the CSS. If you wish to place a logo on your survey then you can make use of a background image. Full details about the HTML and CSS used on survey pages can be found in our custom survey CSS guide. Once you’ve edited the CSS as you see fit, save your style, by clicking on the Save button.

Once the style is saved, reload your survey, and you’ll see any changes made. To choose a different style or preview your current one, click the preview image of any style you’d like to change your survey to.

You can also edit the newly created custom theme from the dropdown in the “Themes” section on the main Style page. After saving a custom style, look for the one you created, hover over the thumbnail picture and click “Customize” button, so you can edit the current style rather than create a new one.