How do I create a quiz?

A quiz allows you to ask a variety of questions to which participants answer and their selections are deemed correct or incorrect.

Create a quiz

Click the Create New drop-down list and select Quiz.

Give your quiz a name. Note that when the URL for your quiz is created, it will include the title you choose.

Adding elements to your quiz

In the Editor section, click and drag quiz elements from the column on the left to the quiz area on the right.

You can create quizzes using the following elements:

Click Save after adding each quiz element.

Quiz Style

In the Style section, you can choose a style for your quiz.

Click Save when you have finished.

Quiz Settings

In the Settings section, you can configure the settings for your quiz.


Editing the Permalink

In the Permalink box, you will see the URL of your quiz. This is generated automatically from the title of your quiz, but you can edit it here by clicking ‘Edit’ if you want to change it.

Note that editing the permalink here does not change the survey title. You can change the title in the Editor section.

Participant Results

Here you can manage how results are displayed (or not) to your quiz participants, and you can optionally set a pass score.


There are several ways to restrict who can take your quiz:

  • Password protection

You can choose to set a password that participants must enter to be allowed to complete the quiz.

  • IP restriction

Additionally, if you wish to restrict your participants to a pre-defined set of IP addresses, you can enter them here. This setting is particularly useful if you want to allow, say only your employees or students to take the quiz.

  • Captcha Protection

This adds a Google reCAPTCHA dialog to your quiz to prevent automated responses.

  • Email restriction

Email address whitelisting allows you to restrict quiz completions to only those in the email group you choose. First, you’ll want to create an email group. Then, while editing your quiz, check Email Restriction. You will then see a Select Users button.

Click the Select Users button, and you will see the Email Whitelist dialog.

If you allow any email address, a participant must enter any valid email address to get access to the quiz. The response is registered when the participant clicks on a confirmation link.

If you choose an email group, only email addresses from this group will be permitted access to your quiz. Also, responses from the email addresses in a email group will only be registered when the participant clicks on a confirmation link.

If you choose to enter individual email addresses, you can use wildcards to allow a set of email addresses. For example, if you entered *, all valid email addresses ending with will be permitted access to the quiz, such as

Once you choose the email addresses you want to be whitelisted, click Save Selections.

Now when a participant opens this quiz they will be asked to enter an email address.

When the participant completes the quiz they will receive an email with a confirmation link.

When the participant clicks on this link, they confirm ownership of the email address, which will register their response. 

  • One response per computer

Select whether to allow more than one response to be submitted from the same computer.

Quiz Options

In the Quiz options section, you can choose when to close your quiz, be it on a date that you choose, or after a certain number of quiz completions. The default quota is set to 1000, however, you can change that number to anything you like.

In this section, you can also toggle question numbers on and off, and choose whether to show a progress indicator, and a back button (note that if your quiz contains branching rules, the back button will be disabled anyway).

Users with a paid plan can also set a quiz timeout, which is the maximum amount of time allowed to complete a single page of the quiz.


In the Start/Finish section, you can add a start message that your participants will see before the quiz. Business and Team customers also have the option to include a custom finish message, as well as a custom message for users who have failed the quiz.


In the Language section, you can choose to assign a language pack. This changes any of the default button and quiz text to any text in any language you like. If you’ve already created a language pack for your quiz, you would select it from the dropdown list.


In the Header/Footer section you can create a custom Header and/or Footer for your quiz.

Sharing your quiz

Crowdsignal offers many ways to share your quiz on the Sharing page. You can:

  • copy a direct link to share with others;
  • “like” it and post a link to it on Facebook;
  • post a link to it on Twitter;
  • embed it into a QR code and get a .png of the image to place in printed material;
  • use a pop-up to encourage participants to complete it;
  • embed it into in your website;
  • embed it into an email message.

Still have questions? Contact us.