How do I create a poll?

With Crowdsignal you can create polls and share them anywhere you’d like to learn from your audience. New to Crowdsignal? Check out our many features!

A poll allows you to ask one multiple choice question to which participants choose from among the answers that you define. Read more about the difference between a poll and a survey. users as well as self hosted WordPress sites with the Crowdsignal Forms plugin installed can create a poll directly on a post or page using the Poll Block within the editor.

Follow these steps to create a poll via your Crowdsignal dashboard.

  1. Create a poll
  2. Poll Styles
  3. Poll Settings
    1. General
    2. Restrictions
    3. Language
  4. Publishing Your Poll

Create a poll

  1. Click Create New and select Poll:

  2. By default, there are three answer options. You can click the (+) icon to add additional options:
  3. To remove an answer, click the delete icon:
  4. Possible answers appear in the order in which you entered them by default. To change the answer order, hover over a radio button and drag the answer to your chosen position:

    If you’d like to serve the answer options in a random order for each visitor, you can enable this in the Settings section.

  5. If you would like to include the option for participants to submit their own answer, click Allow users to enter their own answer.  This will add an “Other” option with a textbox to the end of the answer list that participants can use to type in their own answer:

Once you’ve finished editing your poll, click Save.

Poll Styles

In the Style section, select a theme for the poll. There are several themes from which you can choose:

Next to the “Themes” tab, you’ll find the “Size” tab, where you can choose a width for your poll widget:

Once you’ve finished making changes, click Save.

If you want to create your own custom poll style, please see our guide here.

Poll Settings

In the Settings section, you can adjust the following settings of your poll:

  • Answers
    • Randomize answer order.
    • Allow multiple selections 
    • Allow sharing via Facebook and Twitter buttons.
    • Close the poll automatically at a specified date/time, or keep it open permanently.
    • Hide “Get The Final Result!” button (available for users with a Premium plan or above)
  • Comments
    • Allow and/or moderate comments.
  • Results
    • Show/hide results or only percentages.
    • Set the display order if showing results.

Restrictions are available to users with a paid account and are available via Settings Restrictions

To make a private poll, use the disable URL restriction under Settings Restrictions General. That setting ensures the poll is only available via an embed.


You can use this page to change the language of the buttons and messages in your poll. You can choose from an already defined custom language packs or use any of the default language packs to automatically translate your poll into nearly any language.

Publishing Your Poll

Click on the “Share” button at the top right of the screen when editing a poll.

In the Sharing popup, you’ll find several different ways for you to publish your poll. You can:

  • Copy a direct link to the poll’s site page to share with others
  • Use the link to your poll on Twitter and Facebook
  • Embed your poll on your website
  • Embed your poll on your WordPress site
  • Embed your poll on your website as a slider popup
  • Send out your poll via email

Have time for a quick poll? This is how an embedded poll looks like (yes, that’s an actual working poll)

Still have questions? Contact us.