How do I send out my poll, survey, or quiz via email?

To be able to send out polls, surveys, and quizzes via email, you need to create a Contact Group (previously named Email Group) and customize the email text before you send it out. A Business or Team plan is required to send email through now.

Creating a Contact Group

Here’s how to create a Contact Group you can use to send email invitations to complete surveys, quizzes, and polls.

From your dashboard, click on Contacts:

Click on Create Group:

To give your new group a name, hover over the existing name, click on the ‘Edit’ button.

Enter the new name, then click or tab out of the box and it will auto-save.

If you’ve only got a few people to send the email to, you can manually enter them by hand. Just type in their email address, first name, last name, and then click on the Add Contact button to see new contact appear on your list:

Bulk email upload via CSV import

If you have many people on your mailing list, you can import them via CSV file.
Important! Please note that the order of the columns in the CSV file must be: Email Address, First Name, Last Name, Custom Data.

To upload your file, click on the Import button on the top right hand corner of the Contact Groups page:

Next, select Choose File:

Navigate to the CSV file within your computer and select it. Once it’s selected you’ll see the name of your file next to the Choose File button:

Next, select the Upload button on the right hand side of the dashboard:

Upload button add bulk email polldaddy

You’ll see the contacts of your list appear on the bottom of the screen:

You can click on the Edit button on the contact’s row to change their information, or the Delete button to remove them from the list.

Sending out a poll, survey, or quiz to a Contact Group

Now let’s walk through how to send out your survey, quiz, or poll to your contact group. In this instance, we’re going to use a sample survey. From the dashboard, however over the title of the content and click on Share:

From the options on the left, choose Email.

Select the email group you’ve created. Be sure to customize the invitation:

Customizing the email with shortcodes

We’ve got some special shortcodes you can use to customize the text of the email to include the participant’s first name, as an example. Just insert them as you see them on the list below to personalize your invitation email. For example:

  • [survey] – Inserts the survey directly into the email (note that Outlook 2007 users will only see a link to the survey)
  • [firstname] – Inserts the recipient’s first name, as set in the email group
  • [lastname] – Inserts the recipient’s last name, as set in the email group
  • [link] – Inserts the survey link
  • [custom] – Custom data associated with the target

When you’re ready click on the Send Email link. Boom! Now your quiz, survey, or poll is released into the wild.