How do I create a nero rating?

You can create a Nero rating widget to add the ability for visitors to rate anything on your site using a thumbs-up or a thumbs-down.

Create a rating

  1. Click the Create New drop-down list and select Rating:

  2. Give your rating a name:

  3. In the Rating Size box, you can select the size of the thumbs. If you’d like to use something other than thumbs, you can include the image URL in the box.
  4. In the Rating Type box, select Nero Rating.
    rating type box with Nero Rating selected

The live preview on the right-hand side of the screen will update as you make selections so that you are immediately able to see what your rating will look like based on the selections that you choose.

Customize rating fonts and default text

Under Edit Styles, you can customize the text in many different ways. You can:

  •  Set your text in bold or italic
  • Change the size of your text
  • Choose a typeface
  • Select a color
  • Set the line height (the space between the text and the stars)
  • Align the text left, right, or center, relative to the stars
  • Choose whether you want the text to appear on top, to the right, or beneath the rating.

You can customize all the default phrases associated with the rating. Additionally, you can change the text to a different language by entering the phrases in the language of your choice:

polldaddy rating text edits

Click Save Rating Widget.

Placing the widget on your site

In order to place a widget on your website, click Sharing.

The default option is to copy and paste JavaScript. You can also click ‘WordPress’ to get shortcode to use on your or site.

If you have a site, you’ll need to first download and install the Crowdsignal plugin.

If you have a site, you can embed the rating using the shortcode. Copy the shortcode and paste it into the location you’d like to see the rating on your website:

To embed using the JavaScript option, copy the JavaScript code and paste it into the location you’d like to see it on your website:

Still have questions? Contact us.