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Quick Start Observability for Kubernetes OpenTelemetry

Kubernetes OpenTelemetry
Kubernetes OpenTelemetry icon

Coralogix Extension For Kubernetes OpenTelemetry Includes:

Dashboards - 5

Gain instantaneous visualization of all your Kubernetes OpenTelemetry data.

Host Metrics Details
Host Metrics Details
Node, container and pod Metrics
Node, container and pod Metrics
K8S Cluster Resources
K8S Cluster Resources
K8S Kubeletstats
K8S Kubeletstats

Alerts - 3

Stay on top of Kubernetes OpenTelemetry key performance metrics. Keep everyone in the know with integration with Slack, PagerDuty and more.

Average K8s Pod Container CPU Utilization Higher than 80%

Average K8s Node Memory Utilization Higher than 80%

Average K8s Node CPU Utilization Higher than 80%


Learn more about Coralogix's out-of-the-box integration with Kubernetes OpenTelemetry in our documentation.

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