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Quick Start Observability for AWS EKS

AWS EKS icon

Coralogix Extension For AWS EKS Includes:

Dashboards - 1

Gain instantaneous visualization of all your AWS EKS data.


Alerts - 8

Stay on top of AWS EKS key performance metrics. Keep everyone in the know with integration with Slack, PagerDuty and more.

Containers memory utilization >80%

This alert triggers when the average memory utilization across all containers in your EKS cluster exceeds 80%. High memory utilization can lead to out-of-memory errors and may require scaling the containers or optimizing the application to use memory more efficiently.

Container CPU utilization >80%

This alert triggers when the average CPU utilization across all container in your EKS cluster exceeds 80%. High CPU utilization can indicate that the container are not properly scaled to handle the workload or that there are performance issues with the application.

Pod memory utilization >80%

This alert triggers when the average memory utilization across all pods in your EKS cluster exceeds 80%. High memory utilization can lead to out-of-memory errors and may require scaling the pods or optimizing the application to use memory more efficiently.

Pod CPU utilization >80%

This alert triggers when the average CPU utilization across all pods in your EKS cluster exceeds 80%. High CPU utilization can indicate that the pods are not properly scaled to handle the workload or that there are performance issues with the application.

Pod status failed

This alert triggers when the number of pods in a failed state in your EKS cluster is greater than zero. A pod in a failed state may indicate issues with the application running in the pod or with the underlying infrastructure.

Node filesystem utilization >80%

This alert triggers when the filesystem utilization on any node in your EKS cluster exceeds 80%. High filesystem utilization can lead to disk space issues and may require action such as deleting unnecessary files or increasing storage capacity.

Node CPU utilization >80%

This alert triggers when the average CPU utilization across all nodes in your EKS cluster exceeds 80%. High CPU utilization can lead to performance degradation and may indicate a need to scale your cluster to handle increased workload.

Cluster failed worker node

This alert triggers when the number of nodes that have failed in your EKS cluster is greater than zero. A failed node can indicate issues with the underlying EC2 instance, such as hardware failure or networking problems, which can impact the availability of your cluster.


Learn more about Coralogix's out-of-the-box integration with AWS EKS in our documentation.

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