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Send Log Outbound Webhooks

Last Updated: Dec. 25, 2023

Enhance your observability workflows by sending real-time event notifications and log data to Coralogix. With this webhook, you can easily receive logs in Coralogix, automate responses to critical events, and improve your organization’s incident management and alerting processes.

Create a Send Log Webhook

STEP 1. From the Coralogix toolbar, navigate to Data Flow > Outbound Webhooks.

STEP 2. In the Outbound Webhooks section, click SEND LOG WEBHOOK.

STEP 3. Click + ADD NEW.

STEP 4. Enter a memorable name for your webhook that will enable you to easily identify this webhook later when attaching it to one of your alerts.

Note: The URL and UUID fields are auto-populated.

STEP 5. Click NEXT.

STEP 6. [Optional] Edit the message body that will be sent with the webhook message. The fields contained within the logEntries key will be displayed in the log.

STEP 7. Click TEST & SAVE.

The system creates a log on the Coralogix Explore page in the dashboard to check that your configuration is valid. If the log is created successfully, a confirmation message is displayed.

STEP 8. Configure your alert notifications once the configuration is confirmed and the webhook is in place.

Additional Resources

DocumentationConfigure Alert Notifications for Outbound Webhooks


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