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Last Updated: Jan. 10, 2024

Create a customized gauge visualization in Custom Dashboards.

Create a Gauge

STEP 1. In a custom dashboard, drag and drop the Gauge widget from your left-hand sidebar to get started.

STEP 2. Set the definitions for your Gauge in the right-hand sidebar.

  • Name & Description. Create a name and description.
  • Load data from. Select whether to load data from Frequent Search or Monitoring.
  • Source. Select a data type.
    • If the data type chosen is metrics, specify the metric or desired PromQL in the Query field. Use free text to search for a metric of your choice. As you do so, all relevant metrics will appear. Hover over any metric to view its system-generated metadata labels. Hover over a label to see its values.
      • Calculation: Determines the values for your gauge. Instant, Last, Avg, Sum, Min and Max are possible parameters.
        • Selecting the parameter Last will provide the last data point in a time series within the selected time frame, whereas Instant will provide the final value at the end of the time frame. Avg, Sum, Min, and Max calculate the value by applying the selected aggregation function to the time series data points within the time frame.
          • For example, if the time is 03:25:00, fetching the time series with hour steps returns 00:00:00 – 1, 01:00:00 – 3, 02:00:00 – 15, 03:00:00 – 60, therefore the Last value would be 60. However, if we get the value for the exact time of 03:25:00 using Instant, the value returned will be taken from the exact time in the timeline, resulting in a value of 120.
    • If the data type chosen is logs or spans, you will be directed to select an Aggregation.
  • Add Filter. [Optional] Add a filter to your gauge.
    • As opposed to the dashboard filter in the left-hand sidebar which affects the entire dashboard, this filter only affects the widget.
    • The widget and dashboard filters operate in parallel to one another and intersect. If they negate one another, dashboard filters override widget filters.
  • Visuality.
    • Unit. Choose to display a % symbol alongside your results.
    • Enable or disable the Inner arc and Outer arc. The inner arc will show actual value. The outer arc will show the thresholds. If you choose not to enable either arc, you will be left only with a number in your gauge.
    • Thresholds. Choose the base Thresholds – that is, when the gauge should appear green and red. Add additional thresholds – yellow and orange – if necessary.

STEP 3. Click SAVE in the upper right-hand corner.

Note: The gauge widget currently works on a single time series.

Additional Resources

DocumentationCustom Dashboards
Line Charts
Data Tables
Pie Charts
Bar Charts


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