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Coralogix Operator

Last Updated: Nov. 23, 2023

The Coralogix Operator is an open-source Kubernetes Operator that automates configuration and management of Coralogix APIs in a Kubernetes environment.


The Coralogix Operator is built upon a Kubernetes Operator pattern, enabling you to define the desired state of your Coralogix account using declarative configuration files named custom resource definitions (CRDs). It leverages the Kubernetes reconcile loop to ensure this desired state.

Note: The Coralogix Operator is in alpha, with the current version being unstable.

Management of Functionalities

The Operator manages the following Coralogix functionalities:

A full list of rule configuration samples can be found here.

Leveraging PrometheusRules

For those customers using Prometheus Operator, the Operator can also be used to manage the CRD PrometheusRules. The Operator leverages existing PrometheusRules to manage Coralogix recording and alerting rules, ensuring the smoothest possible integration.


  • A Kubernetes cluster


The following steps demonstrate how to get started. Full instructions can be found here.

STEP 1. Add our Helm charts repository to the local repos list. This command will create a repository named coralogix.

helm repo add coralogix https://cgx.jfrog.io/artifactory/coralogix-charts-virtual
helm repo update

STEP 2. Update the Helm values with your Alerts, Rules and Tags API Key and the region associated with your Coralogix domain, as in the example configuration below:

  region: "EUROPE1"
    enabled: false

    apiKey: <YOUR API KEY HERE>


  • apiKey: Access your Alerts, Rules and Tags API Key by navigating to Data Flow > API Keys in your Coralogix toolbar.
  • region: Should be formatted as follows – APAC1, APAC2, EUROPE1, EUROPE2, USA1, USA2, STG.
  • prometheusRules: Must be set to false.

STEP 3. Run the following command to install the helm chart on your cluster:

helm install <my-release> coralogix/coralogix-operator

STEP 3. To uninstall the helm chart, run the following:

helm delete <my-release>

Manage Your Coralogix Account Using CRDs

Once the Coralogix Operator is installed and running on your cluster, manage your Coralogix account using CRDs. The following section provides samples of available features.

Alerting Management

The Coralogix Operator provides a feature to manage alerts using the Alert CRD. Here is a sample CRD definition using PromQL.

apiVersion: coralogix.com/v1alpha1
kind: Alert
  name: promql-alert-example
  name: promql alert example
  description: alert from k8s operator
  severity: Critical
    - notifications:
        - notifyOn: TriggeredOnly
          integrationName: WebhookAlerts
          retriggeringPeriodMinutes: 1
        - notifyOn: TriggeredAndResolved
          emailRecipients: [ "example@coralogix.com" ]
          retriggeringPeriodMinutes: 1440
    - groupByFields: [ "coralogix.metadata.sdkId" ]
        - notifyOn: TriggeredOnly
          integrationID: 2235
          retriggeringPeriodMinutes: 1
        - notifyOn: TriggeredAndResolved
          emailRecipients: [ "example@coralogix.com" ]
          retriggeringPeriodMinutes: 1440
    daysEnabled: ["Wednesday", "Thursday"]
    timeZone: UTC+02
    startTime: 08:30
    endTime: 20:30
        searchQuery: http_requests_total{status!~\\"4..\\"}
          alertWhen: More
          threshold: 3
          sampleThresholdPercentage: 50
          timeWindow: TwelveHours
          minNonNullValuesPercentage: 10

Save this file as prometheusalert.yaml and then apply the following alert:

 kubectl apply -f prometheusalert.yaml

Once Coralogix Operator syncs the alert, you will be able to view it by navigating to Alerts in your Coralogix UI.

Find more information about the Alert CRD API definition in our Coralogix Operator API documentation.

Recording Rules Management

The Coralogix Operator provides a feature to manage recording rules using the RecordingRuleGroupSet CRD. Here is a sample CRD definition using PromQL.

apiVersion: coralogix.com/v1alpha1
kind: RecordingRuleGroupSet
  name: kube-state-metrics
    - name: kube-state-metrics
      intervalSeconds: 60
        - expr: kube_pod_info * on(pod, node) group_left(resource) sum by (pod, node, resource)(kube_pod_container_resource_requests{resource="memory"})
          record: workload_pod_resources_memory:kube_pod_container_resource_requests:join

Find more information about the Alert CRD API definition in our Coralogix Operator API documentation.

Parsing Rules Management

The Coralogix Operator provides a feature to manage parsing rules using the RuleGroup CRD. Here is a sample CRD definition using parsing log fields.

apiVersion: coralogix.com/v1alpha1
kind: RuleGroup
  name: parsing-rule
  name: parsing-rule
  description: rule-group from k8s operator
  applications: ["application-name"]
  subsystems: ["subsystems-name"]
  severities: ["Warning", "Info"]
    - rules:
        - name: HttpRequestParser2
          description: Parse the fields of the HTTP request - will be applied after HttpRequestParser1
            sourceField: text
            destinationField: text
            regex: (?P<remote_addr>\\\\d{1,3}.\\\\d{1,3}.\\\\d{1,3}.\\\\d{1,3})\\\\s*-\\\\s*(?P<user>[^ ]+)\\\\s*\\\\[(?P<timestemp>\\\\d{4}-\\\\d{2}\\\\-\\\\d{2}T\\\\d{2}\\\\:\\\\d{2}\\\\:\\\\d{2}\\\\.\\\\d{1,6}Z)\\\\]\\\\s*\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"(?P<method>[A-z]+)\\\\s[\\\\/\\\\\\\\]+(?P<request>[^\\\\s]+)\\\\s*(?P<protocol>[A-z0-9\\\\/\\\\.]+)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"\\\\s*(?P<status>\\\\d+)\\\\s*(?P<body_bytes_sent>\\\\d+)?\\\\s*?\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"(?P<http_referer>[^\\"]+)\\\\\\"\\\\s*\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"(?P<http_user_agent>[^\\"]+)\\\\\\"\\\\s(?P<request_time>\\\\d{1,6})\\\\s*(?P<response_time>\\\\d{1,6})

Leveraging PrometheusRules

For those customers using Prometheus Operator, the Operator can also be used to manage the CRD PrometheusRules. Samples of available features can be found below.

Recording Rules Management with PrometheusRules

Leverage existing PrometheusRules to manage Coralogix recording rules with the addition of the label app.coralogix.com/track-recording-rules: "true" to PrometheusRules, as in the example below.

apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1
kind: PrometheusRule
    ## Coralogix label to indicate to the Coralogix Operator
    ## Create Recording Rules on Coralogix using this PrometheusRule
    app.coralogix.com/track-recording-rules: "true"
  name: kube-state-metrics
  namespace: observability
    - name: kube-state-metrics
        - expr: kube_pod_info * on(pod, node) group_left(resource) sum by (pod, node, resource)(kube_pod_container_resource_requests{resource="memory"})
            namespace: observability
          record: workload_pod_resources_memory:kube_pod_container_resource_requests:join

Alerting Management with PrometheusRules

Leverage existing PrometheusRules to manage Coralogix alerts with the addition of the label app.coralogix.com/track-alerting-rules: "true" to PrometheusRules, as in the example below.

apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1
kind: PrometheusRule
    ## Coralogix label to indicate to the Coralogix Operator
    ## Create Recording Rules on Coralogix using this PrometheusRule
    app.coralogix.com/track-alerting-rules: "true"
  name: kube-state-metrics
  namespace: observability
    - name: kube-state-metrics
        - alert: PodFrequentlyRestarting
            description: >-
              Pod {{$labels.pod}} in namespace: observability was restarted more
              than 3 times
            summary: Pod is restarting frequently
          expr: >-
            job="kube-state-metrics", pod=~"kube-state-metrics-.*"}[5m])) by
            (pod, namespace) > 3
            namespace: observability
            severity: critical

Additional Resources

GitHubCoralogix Operator GitHub Repository
Coralogix Operator API
BlobIntroduction to Kubernetes Observability


Need help?

Our world-class customer success team is available 24/7 to walk you through your setup and answer any questions that may come up.

Feel free to reach out to us via our in-app chat or by sending us an email at support@coralogix.com.

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