The 2 Surprising Reasons

Your Facebook Ads are Underperforming
or Even Losing Money...

Watch this Short Video Presentation to Learn More:

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Why You’re Not Getting the Results You Want from Facebook Ads (Yet!)

Too often, we see small and medium business owners that can’t figure out why they are losing money on Facebook ads.
Even though they’ve spent long hours watching YouTube videos, reading blogs, and checking out Reddit threads to crack the Facebook ads code.
Many even go the extra mile and invest in paid Facebook ad courses and masterminds, only to be disappointed with their results.
Others get frustrated by all the complicated manual processes needed to set up campaigns—and give up on Facebook too soon.
This is unfortunate, since few other ad platforms can deliver the results of a well-executed Facebook campaign.
So how does a small or medium business cut through the noise and get on the road to profitability with Facebook ads?
The answer is more surprising and complicated than you’d think.

What We’ve Discovered After 5 Years of Advertising on Facebook

We’re Connectio, a global team of marketers and software developers with a reputation as world-class Facebook ad experts.
Our products are recognized and endorsed by top marketers including:
Ben Adkins
Tim Burd
Russell Brunson
Michael Cooch
Ryan Deiss
Joel Erway
Mike Dillard
Mike Filsaime
Aaron Fletcher
Roland Frasier
Nicholas Kusmich
Stephen Larsen
Scott Oldford
Neil Patel
Gabe Schillinger
We’ve learned our Facebook strategies in the trenches. We’ve spent millions of our own money figuring out what works—and what doesn’t.
And while investing in paid Facebook masterminds definitely helped us get to where we are now… it was only part of the solution.
Because the only way to get amazing results with Facebook is to find the right audiences with high conversion potential, automate as many campaign processes as possible, and scale-up.
And that’s always not easy to do, especially if you don’t have a big dedicated marketing team behind you.
We’ve helped business owners around the globe discover how to scale campaigns beyond their wildest dreams. Over 27,000 businesses use our software and training to smash it out of the park with Facebook advertising.
That’s how we’ve discovered that there are two reasons why business owners fail to get the return on advertising spend they’re after.
Here’s the first reason...

Training that’s Past Its ‘Best Before Date’

Facebook, like all other advertising platforms, grows and evolves over time.
So you’d expect that Facebook ad course creators would update their programs to reflect important changes, right?
Often that’s not the case.
Campaign strategies change fast—but course creators are often slow to update.
That leaves business owners holding the bag, trying to cope when it feels like the rug’s been pulled out under them.
For example…
The Spring 2021 Apple iOS 14.5 update had an immediate negative impact on advertisers because it allows iPhone and iPad users to opt-out of ad tracking.
In fact, Flurry Analytics estimates that 85% of iOS worldwide users have opted out of tracking—including a U.S. opt-out rate of 96%.
This has hit retargeting campaigns, which have long been the most profitable, lowest-hanging fruit to generate sales for businesses especially hard. Since there is no way for Facebook to track opted-out visitors, there is no way to tell who is a new website visitor and who is a returning visitor.
And both of these groups should be treated differently in your retargeting campaigns...or else you’ll be throwing money down the drain in your ad campaigns.
So when an event like iOS 14.5 happens that impacts all Facebook advertisers in such a major way…
You’d think you’d see an immediate response from the Facebook ad gurus to help their customers through it.
But in many cases, that simply doesn’t happen—and that’s unfair to these customers.
And here’s the other big reason why Facebook advertisers struggle to make profits.

Facebook’s Ad Manager Doesn’t Make Things Easy

Facebook’s Ad Manager is frustrating—even for experienced advertisers.
To set up your targeting, audiences, and campaigns, it takes so many manual steps that are complicated, time-consuming, and confusing.
But that’s only the beginning of the pain.
Since Ad Manager doesn’t help filter out unprofitable audience segments…
Like visitors who never open your emails, bounce off your website or only stick around to view a few seconds of your video.
Too many advertisers waste campaign money that could be directed to more profitable segments of their audience.
Here are a few examples of how inefficient the Ad Manager is to use:
Because Ads Manager doesn’t integrate with autoresponders or CRMs, before you can email the leads you collect from Facebook ads, you need to export them via a CSV file.
Then you need to import the file into your CRM—but you’re still not home free yet.
Now you have to wait for your CRM to verify the leads before you can use them.
Oh—and don’t forget…
You’ll need to repeat this process each day your lead campaign is running or you’ll end up paying for leads you can’t email.
But that’s only one Ad Manager headache. Here’s another.
Maybe you’ve faced this scenario before:
You want to create a new Custom Audience from everyone who viewed your past videos.
That means you need to go through 15 steps (yes, we counted them) and over 100 clicks to create your audience.
Or what if you want to run ads only to a qualified segment of your email list, like people who have opened your emails or clicked on a link?
Bad news—there is no way to import those audience segments to Facebook without a CSV file upload.
And these are only a small sample of the everyday annoyances faced by business owners when they set up campaigns.
So what’s a weary Facebook advertiser to do when their training isn’t up to snuff, and dealing with the Ads Manager is enough to drive you to distraction?
There’s a proven way to win with Facebook ads—and it’s called:

Manage Your Facebook Campaigns in the Most Intelligent & Profitable Way

Connectio’s mission is to help business owners, entrepreneurs, and marketers around the globe crush it with Facebook™ Ads.
That’s why we created some of the most innovative Facebook ads software on the planet called ConnectSuite...
Customers love the way our tools overcome the limitations of the Ads Manager, and help to deliver a ridiculous return on their ad spend.
But we realized that as effective as our software was…
It wasn’t enough on its own to guarantee our customers could dominate their respective Facebook advertising niches.
Because we realized that businesses need a potent combination of software AND up-to-the-minute strategy training from experts to reach and exceed their goals.
But first, let’s have a look at how ConnectSuite came to be.

Software Designed by Facebook Marketers, for Facebook Marketers

ConnectSuite contains 6 simple-to-use software tools designed to increase your conversions and reduce your cost-per-click for a bangin’ ROAS almost overnight.
We designed and coded our software in-house to overcome specific problems we faced as Facebook advertisers.
These problems included:
  • The iOS14.5 update enabled users on iPhone and iPad to opt-out of pixel-based tracking, which made our campaign data unreliable
  • The Facebook Ads Manager only showed us a limited number of targeting options, despite the fact that hundreds of targeting options were available through the Facebook Ads API
  • Creating Custom and Lookalike audiences from the most profitable segments of our email list involved spreadsheets, CSV files, and importing data manually to Facebook
  • There were no behavioral and/or action-based options for creating retargeting audiences (which had the potential to significantly improve conversions)
  • It took forever to scroll through our Facebook page to find our most engaging posts because they also had the potential to do well as ads
  • Moving leads from Facebook to our autoresponder was a complicated procedure that involved manually importing and exporting data (and we just didn’t have enough time or personnel to mess with it)
Although we looked for existing software tools to help us with these problems…
We couldn’t find anything on the market that met our needs and expectations.
So we decided to be innovators and come up with our own Facebook advertising tools.
And these results are proof that we made the right decision.
Whether you’re new to Facebook advertising, or you’re already an experienced pro…
The 6 individual tools inside ConnectSuite make Facebook ad campaign set up faster, easier, and more profitable, too!

Reach Untapped Audiences with Fresh Targeting Options You Won’t See in Ads Manager

  • The iOS14.5 update enabled users on iPhone and iPad to opt-out of pixel-based tracking, which made our campaign data unreliable
  • The Facebook Ads Manager only showed us a limited number of targeting options, despite the fact that hundreds of targeting options were available through the Facebook Ads API
  • Creating Custom and Lookalike audiences from the most profitable segments of our email list involved spreadsheets, CSV files, and importing data manually to Facebook
  • There were no behavioral and/or action-based options for creating retargeting audiences (which had the potential to significantly improve conversions)
  • It took forever to scroll through our Facebook page to find our most engaging posts because they also had the potential to do well as ads
  • Moving leads from Facebook to our autoresponder was a complicated procedure that involved manually importing and exporting data (and we just didn’t have enough time or personnel to mess with it)

We all know that finding the best interests to target is crucial for a successful campaign… and that finding those interests is a major time suck. Connect explore elegantly solves this problem.


Create Facebook Custom Audiences from high converting segments of your subscriber list

  • Build Custom Audiences based on subscriber behavior — filter campaigns by past buyers, subscribers who opened/clicked emails, did/did not clickemail links for improved response
  • Create Facebook™ Lookalike Audiences with preferences, demographics, and interests that match those of your most valuable subscribers
  • Seamless integration with most autoresponders and CRMs

“All I can say is WOW! Just.. WOW! Wilco has really has done it for me this time. When using this strategy (retarget people who clicked on my emails) we’ve seen 500%+ ROI on our ads!"

Stefan van der Vlag

Boost your ROAS with Powerful Behavior & Action-Based Filters that Add Precision Targeting Capabilities to Your Retargeting Campaigns

  • Pre-Made Audience Templates help you filter down to ideal retargeting prospects with ease — choose from options like Google Search traffic, most engaged, mobile visitors, direct traffic, scrolled content percentage, time on site, number of visits
  • Easy-to-use drop-down interface — set your own custom retargeting criteria in just seconds
  • Works with ANY platform: WordPress, Shopify, ClickFunnels, LeadPages, or ANY other site builder

“WOW, ConnectRetarget is killer! With a couple clicks, I can create audiences that would normally have taken me months and an engineering degree to figure out. It’s SUPER simple to use and target based on really useful filters, CRAZY powerful!"

Ronnie Nijmeh

Remove the Limitations of Apple’s iOS 14 update with 100% Facebook & Instagram Compliant Software That Doesn’t Rely on Pixel Tracking

  • Future Proof Your Campaigns — Eliminate campaign decision-making based on unreliable pixel-tracking (video audiences are based only on viewer behavior)
  • Increase Audience Retention up to 52 Times — Video audiences have 365-day retention vs. only 7 days on iOS devices
  • Completely Evergreen — Any Apple or Google updates that further remove the effectiveness of pixel-tracking won’t affect ConnectVideo (since it doesn’t use any pixel-tracking)

“WOW, ConnectRetarget is killer! With a couple clicks, I can create audiences that would normally have taken me months and an engineering degree to figure out. It’s SUPER simple to use and target based on really useful filters, CRAZY powerful!"

Ronnie Nijmeh

‘No-touch’, fail-safe system automatically moves 100% of Facebook leads to your autoresponder or CRM without CSV files

  • Fully supported by over 50 autoresponders and CRM platforms
  • Works on most other platforms with a simple copy/paste of HTML code
  • Real-time data and analytics tracks new leads on a daily basis

“ConnectLeads isn't just fastest way to gather leads directly from Facebook™ to your autoresponder using Lead Ads... it's also the ONLY way! I really can't imaging running Facebook™ Lead Ads without ConnectLeads. Highly recommended for all marketers & people wanting to build lists FAST!"

josh ratta

“WOW, ConnectRetarget is killer! With a couple clicks, I can create audiences that would normally have taken me months and an engineering degree to figure out. It’s SUPER simple to use and target based on really useful filters, CRAZY powerful!"

Ronnie Nijmeh

Smart software automatically turns your high-engagement posts into rule-based ads that build your brand and expand your audience base

  • Stop wasting money on low-engagement ads
  • Ends the need to closely monitor to find the best posts based on engagement to turn into ads
  • Reduce your cost-per-click with content that’s already proven to generate Likes, comments, and clicks

“WOW, ConnectRetarget is killer! With a couple clicks, I can create audiences that would normally have taken me months and an engineering degree to figure out. It’s SUPER simple to use and target based on really useful filters, CRAZY powerful!"

Ronnie Nijmeh

“I have 5 pages for my business and what used to take a lot of time I can now setup ONCE in literally 5mins and forget about it. Even more important is the fact I get much better results with the same ad spend as before"

Dimitris Paraskevopoulos
Nearly every software maker includes ‘how to get started videos’ with their products. (And we do, too.)
But that’s just not good enough for our ConnectSuite customers.
ConnectSuite customers also enjoy strategy videos for each-and-every one of the tools…
Because the secret to getting leverage from software is knowing how to use it strategically for maximum results.
try for 14 days for only $1

More Testimonials from Delighted ConnectSuite Customers:

While ConnectSuite is one of the most powerful solutions you’ll find anywhere to create the campaign shortcuts you need to be more efficient and test your ad creatives faster than you’d dream possible��
There’s still one piece of the puzzle you’re missing to become an elite Facebook advertiser.
And that’s cutting-edge training that reflects what’s working in Facebook advertising NOW (not some rehash of what worked 2 or more years ago!)
That’s exactly what our ConnectSuite customers enjoy at no extra cost with their ConnectSuite membership.

Plus Our ConnectSuite Members Also Enjoy:

VIP Email Support
No ConnectSuite question is too small — we’re always happy to help!
It’s as easy as logging into your dashboard and clicking the “Contact Us” icon.
Whether it’s a billing question, or you have a question about one of the ConnectSuite tools (or anything in between) we’re here to help.
And that’s not all.
When you join today, you’ll also receive:
Private Access to the Official Connectio Facebook Group
Plus: When you join ConnectSuite today, you’ll receive an invitation to join our official Facebook group.
Join discussions about what’s working right now for Facebook advertisers—and how to outwit, outsmart, and outlast your competition.
Get started with ConnectSuite for only $1.

The ConnectSuite Bulletproof Guarantee

100% Money Back Guarantee

ConnectSuite is backed by a full money-back guarantee.

In the unlikely event that you’re not 100% satisfied with ConnectSuite just let our friendly customer service team know.

We’ll cheerfully refund your subscription. No questions asked.

If you later decide that ConnectSuite isn’t for you, relax—you’re neverlocked into a long-term contract as one of our customers.
Just let us know if you want to stop your subscription and we’ll gladly cancel it for you.
You’ll be free to use ConnectSuite up until your next renewal date (and you won’t owe us anything further.)
What could be fairer than that?

Try ConnectSuite for a Full 14 Days for Only $1

The most successful Facebook marketers rely on a mix of software and strategy to maximize their earnings.
ConnectSuite customers get the best of both worlds—with world-class software and ongoing training.
Enjoy new speed and ease of campaign setup.
Discover the strategies that bring the highest ROAS from each and every ConnectSuite tool.
Get ready to experience a whole new level of success with Facebook ads you could only dream about until now!
Get started with ConnectSuite now for only $1*
*If you decide to keep ConnectSuite past your trial period, do nothing more. Your card on file will automatically be charged $97/month.
Cancel at any time without penalty.

ConnectSuite FAQs

  • Do I get access to the ‘full’ version of the ConnectSuite software bundle, or do I only get access to ‘lite’ versions of the tools?
  • All trial customers receive full versions of our tools, not watered-down versions.
  • I’m not very techy. Do I need to install anything to use ConnectSuite?
  • ConnectSuite is cloud-based. Access it from anywhere with a laptop or desktop computer and an internet connection. Remember if you have any tech problems, you can always reach one of our friendly support team members.
  • Can you guarantee I’ll achieve a certain ROAS with ConnectSuite?
  • As much as we’d like to, we can’t guarantee you’ll achieve a certain ROAS. That depends on your ad creatives, your budget, your offer, and so many other factors we have no control over.
  • If I decide to keep ConnectSuite past my trial, what happens?
  • On the day after your 14-day trial ends, the card you registered with us at the start of your trial will be charged $97.
  • Am I locked into a contract for ConnectSuite?
  • No long-term contracts required. Cancel at any time.