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New member
Status: In development

I Would very much want än Android version of Thunderbird. So i can have the same adress boom in my mobile phone.

Best begärda

Sven Palmgren

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for submitting an idea to the Mozilla Connect community! Your idea is now open to votes (aka kudos) and comments.


Hey SvenP,

Good news! We are working on a Thunderbird Android client and will have some news to share about it in the next few weeks.

Ryan (Thunderbird Product Manager)

Status changed to: In development
Community Manager
Community Manager

This idea has been shared with the Thunderbird team (check out @ryanleesipes's comment ⬆️) and we're happy to update the status to "In development." Please keep the conversation going and stay tuned for updates.

-The Community Team

New member

It is very promising.

I look forward to the release.


Making moves

I'm a long time Tbird user and an android client would be great. ALso is an iOS one in the works?


Strollin' around

I’m also curious about a mobile version of Thunderbird (both iOS and Android). Any info on iOS development @ryanleesipes?

New member

I know you're working on it, but it wouldn't hurt if you developed Thunderbird for mobile platforms. This way we would have the emails on both sites at the same time to manage them more efficiently.

Many of us are looking forward to hearing from you.

Ya sé que estais en ello pero no estaría mal que desarrollaseis Thunderbird para plataformas de móviles. Así tendríamos los emails en ambos sitios a la vez para administrarlos más eficientemente.

Estamos muchos deseando que nos deis la noticia.


Following up on this. Here is the news about our plans for Thunderbird on Android. Already we have many pieces of our roadmap landing in the app.

Making moves

@ryanleesipesis there already a release date planned for thunderbird android?

New member

Will the Thunderbird app have ChromeOS optimization? In other words, proper Keyboard and Mouse support, large screen, etc. 

Making moves

As a long time user of both Thunderbird and K-9 Mail I have to say I was rather surprised and delighted to hear you are going to be working together to take K9-Mail and Thunderbird and make some sort of common code base.

How far has this collaboration progressed so far?  Is there a road map for the merging of the projects ?


Strollin' around

Will there also be a native version for ios?

Community Manager
Community Manager

@ridicolos there's a separate thread here:

Thunderbird for iPhone and iPad 

New member

I should be happy to have the same spam filter into my android mobile... I hope this proposal will be accepted and developped....

Making moves

@ryanleesipesin the beginning of the announcement in the roadmap it says it will release summer 2023 but it disappeared. Is there a reason for that?