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One thing that is mathematically sound isI am trying to grabtransform the mesh data in a gltf modelfile and apply some arbitrary linear transformation to it, like a rotation or a translationthen modify the skin and animation data accordingly.

Let's say we want to transform the transformation is encoded asdata using a 4x4 homogeneous matrix.

I think it needs to be applied to For simplification let us say the meshes, nodes, ibms intransformation is just swapping the skins,y and animationsz axes.

Starting simple, I want to applyDoing it to only the meshes.mesh data is simple enough:

i.e. somethingSomething like this:

        for mesh in &self&gltf.meshes
            for primitive in &mesh.primitives
                for position in selfgltf
                    *position = transform_vec3(&position, &transform, true);

                for normal in selfgltf
                    *normal = transform_vec3(&normal, &transform, false);

ThisNow the issue is ok, after doing this, what must we do to the skin data and yieldsanimation data to correctly change it so that now the y and z axes are swapped.

We know that before our transformation, the animations are effectively computed as:

$$(\sum \lambda_i A_i \cdot M_i) \cdot v$$

where $\lambda_i, A_i, M_i$ are the weights, animation matrices and inverse bind matrices.

Now, after modifying the vertices of the mesh data we have:

$$(\sum \lambda_i A_i \cdot M_i) \cdot T v$$

So we need to modify our matrices such that the transformation $T$ is applied only once after all other transformations are applied, so:

$$T(\sum \lambda_i A_i \cdot M_i)T^{-1} T v$$ enter image description here$$(\sum \lambda_i TA_i \cdot M_iT^{-1}) T v$$

Ok now I wantThe above formula suggests that the correct approach is to apply the transformation to all animation data and its inverse to the nodes, so I attempt thisibms.

Something like:

        for node in &mut self.nodes
            let mut mat : Mat4 = compose_homogeneous(&node.scale, &node.rotation, &node.translation);
            mat = transform * mat;

            let (new_scale, new_rot, new_trans) = decompose_homogeneous(&mat);

            node.rotation = new_rot;
            node.translation = new_trans;
            node.scale = new_scale;
  • for each ibm matrix ibm -> ibm * $T^{-1}$
  • for each node in the skin node -> $T$ * node
  • for each animation output in the skin, output -> $T$ * output

Now gltf viewers showThis fails miserably in all real life data I try and I don't understand why. For example this is the result on a model: enter image description here

Why?enter image description here

If I have tested things and both compose_homogeneous and decompose_homogeneous are correct. Why amremove the skins from the model I gettingget this degenerate:

enter image description here

Which is the expected output, the mesh data has flipped the z and the y.

So what must be done to convert the animation data to match the transform to the mesh?

One thing that is mathematically sound is to grab a gltf model and apply some arbitrary linear transformation to it, like a rotation or a translation.

Let's say the transformation is encoded as a 4x4 homogeneous matrix.

I think it needs to be applied to the meshes, nodes, ibms in the skins, and animations.

Starting simple, I want to apply it to only the meshes.

i.e. something like this:

        for mesh in &self.meshes
            for primitive in &mesh.primitives
                for position in self
                    *position = transform_vec3(&position, &transform, true);

                for normal in self
                    *normal = transform_vec3(&normal, &transform, false);

This is ok and yields: enter image description here

Ok now I want to apply to the nodes, so I attempt this:

        for node in &mut self.nodes
            let mut mat : Mat4 = compose_homogeneous(&node.scale, &node.rotation, &node.translation);
            mat = transform * mat;

            let (new_scale, new_rot, new_trans) = decompose_homogeneous(&mat);

            node.rotation = new_rot;
            node.translation = new_trans;
            node.scale = new_scale;

Now gltf viewers show this: enter image description here


I have tested things and both compose_homogeneous and decompose_homogeneous are correct. Why am I getting this degenerate output?

I am trying to transform the mesh data in a gltf file and then modify the skin and animation data accordingly.

Let's say we want to transform the data using a 4x4 homogeneous matrix. For simplification let us say the transformation is just swapping the y and z axes.

Doing it to the mesh data is simple enough:

Something like this:

for mesh in &gltf.meshes
        for primitive in &mesh.primitives
            for position in gltf
                *position = transform_vec3(&position, &transform, true);

            for normal in gltf
                *normal = transform_vec3(&normal, &transform, false);

Now the issue is, after doing this, what must we do to the skin data and animation data to correctly change it so that now the y and z axes are swapped.

We know that before our transformation, the animations are effectively computed as:

$$(\sum \lambda_i A_i \cdot M_i) \cdot v$$

where $\lambda_i, A_i, M_i$ are the weights, animation matrices and inverse bind matrices.

Now, after modifying the vertices of the mesh data we have:

$$(\sum \lambda_i A_i \cdot M_i) \cdot T v$$

So we need to modify our matrices such that the transformation $T$ is applied only once after all other transformations are applied, so:

$$T(\sum \lambda_i A_i \cdot M_i)T^{-1} T v$$ $$(\sum \lambda_i TA_i \cdot M_iT^{-1}) T v$$

The above formula suggests that the correct approach is to apply the transformation to all animation data and its inverse to the ibms.

Something like:

  • for each ibm matrix ibm -> ibm * $T^{-1}$
  • for each node in the skin node -> $T$ * node
  • for each animation output in the skin, output -> $T$ * output

This fails miserably in all real life data I try and I don't understand why. For example this is the result on a model:

enter image description here

If I remove the skins from the model I get this:

enter image description here

Which is the expected output, the mesh data has flipped the z and the y.

So what must be done to convert the animation data to match the transform to the mesh?

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        for mesh in & self&self.meshes
            for primitive in & mesh&mesh.primitives
                for position in self
                    .data_from_accessor:: <Vec3>(primitive.attributes.position)
            * position       *position = transform_vec3(&position, &transform, true);

                for normal in self
            * normal *normal = transform_vec3(&normal, &transform, false);
for node in &mut self.nodes
    let mut mat : Mat4 = compose_homogeneous(&node.scale, &node.rotation, &node.translation);
    mat = transform * mat;

    let (new_scale, new_rot, new_trans) = decompose_homogeneous(&mat);

    node.rotation = new_rot;
    node.translation = new_trans;
    node.scale = new_scale;
        for node in &mut self.nodes
            let mut mat : Mat4 = compose_homogeneous(&node.scale, &node.rotation, &node.translation);
            mat = transform * mat;

            let (new_scale, new_rot, new_trans) = decompose_homogeneous(&mat);

            node.rotation = new_rot;
            node.translation = new_trans;
            node.scale = new_scale;
for mesh in & self.meshes
    for primitive in & mesh.primitives
        for position in self
            .data_from_accessor:: <Vec3>(primitive.attributes.position)
            * position = transform_vec3(&position, &transform, true);

                for normal in self
            * normal = transform_vec3(&normal, &transform, false);
for node in &mut self.nodes
    let mut mat : Mat4 = compose_homogeneous(&node.scale, &node.rotation, &node.translation);
    mat = transform * mat;

    let (new_scale, new_rot, new_trans) = decompose_homogeneous(&mat);

    node.rotation = new_rot;
    node.translation = new_trans;
    node.scale = new_scale;
        for mesh in &self.meshes
            for primitive in &mesh.primitives
                for position in self
                    *position = transform_vec3(&position, &transform, true);

                for normal in self
                    *normal = transform_vec3(&normal, &transform, false);
        for node in &mut self.nodes
            let mut mat : Mat4 = compose_homogeneous(&node.scale, &node.rotation, &node.translation);
            mat = transform * mat;

            let (new_scale, new_rot, new_trans) = decompose_homogeneous(&mat);

            node.rotation = new_rot;
            node.translation = new_trans;
            node.scale = new_scale;
        for mesh in &self& self.meshes
            for primitive in &mesh& mesh.primitives
                for position in self
                    .data_from_accessor:: <Vec3>(primitive.attributes.position)
                   * *positionposition = transform_vec3(&position, &transform, true);

                for normal in self
            * *normalnormal = transform_vec3(&normal, &transform, false);
        for node in &mut self.nodes
            let mut mat : Mat4 = compose_homogeneous(&node.scale, &node.rotation, &node.translation);
            mat = transform * mat;

            let (new_scale, new_rot, new_trans) = decompose_homogeneous(&mat);

            node.rotation = new_rot;
            node.translation = new_trans;
            node.scale = new_scale;
for node in &mut self.nodes
    let mut mat : Mat4 = compose_homogeneous(&node.scale, &node.rotation, &node.translation);
    mat = transform * mat;

    let (new_scale, new_rot, new_trans) = decompose_homogeneous(&mat);

    node.rotation = new_rot;
    node.translation = new_trans;
    node.scale = new_scale;
        for mesh in &self.meshes
            for primitive in &mesh.primitives
                for position in self
                    *position = transform_vec3(&position, &transform, true);

                for normal in self
                    *normal = transform_vec3(&normal, &transform, false);
        for node in &mut self.nodes
            let mut mat : Mat4 = compose_homogeneous(&node.scale, &node.rotation, &node.translation);
            mat = transform * mat;

            let (new_scale, new_rot, new_trans) = decompose_homogeneous(&mat);

            node.rotation = new_rot;
            node.translation = new_trans;
            node.scale = new_scale;
for mesh in & self.meshes
    for primitive in & mesh.primitives
        for position in self
            .data_from_accessor:: <Vec3>(primitive.attributes.position)
            * position = transform_vec3(&position, &transform, true);

                for normal in self
            * normal = transform_vec3(&normal, &transform, false);
for node in &mut self.nodes
    let mut mat : Mat4 = compose_homogeneous(&node.scale, &node.rotation, &node.translation);
    mat = transform * mat;

    let (new_scale, new_rot, new_trans) = decompose_homogeneous(&mat);

    node.rotation = new_rot;
    node.translation = new_trans;
    node.scale = new_scale;
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