
Delete incoming mails or move them into a note

  • 25 October 2023
  • 5 replies

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  • 4 replies

For our communication it is normal that an outgoing mail from Freshdesk to the customer has minimum one cc to our sales engineer and some times several cc receivers from customers site.

  • It happens often that one or more receivers send an auto answer (out from office).
  • It is also possible the my sales engineer gives me internal information asa reply on my email to the customer.

In both cases occurs the same problem:

  • all these answers disturb the communication about the origin support issue.
  • the internal communication will be added as a reply in Freshdesk and the customer can see it. - it happend few times.

My request is:

  1. I can I delete those interfering messages simply by click the trash butten (as it is possible already for notes).
  2. I can easily transform or move the internal communication into a note. 
    (so it will not be included in the mail contents nor visible in the web-login from customer site)

And a funny and nice gimmic on top could be that Freshdesk recognizes auto-answers and does not re-open the ticket in this case.

[For internal communication is the Forward function available. I use it for dedicated internal communication. But that works only in case I start the communication from Freshdesk. It does not help in case my sales engineer answers. And the Forward is not usable from the beginning, because in that case I  and  my colleagues in support team have to forward every information (incoming + outgoing) manually  - that’s not realistic  practicable.]

Thanks to the development team and marketing team of freshdesk for all the precise work on this plattform.

5 replies

Userlevel 2
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Instead of sending an outbound email from Freshdesk and creating a ticket on behalf of the customer, have you tried using the New ticket option ? You can add the customer’s email address as the Contact and add CC e-mails as well. 

You can then add your internal team as collaborators on the ticket, then they can add private notes directly on the platform.

Hope this helps.

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Hi Priya,

thank you for your idea. I tried it. And I see, that all answers coming from the cc receivers are in the ticket visible for the customer.

May be, there is a point I do not understand?

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Again I have the same dilemma: a colleague sent a message to the boss, and all the mails had the ticket in cc. So I have thr whole communication between sales and management within the ticket.

I tried to split the ticket, but there didn’t occur what I need.
(My idea was to cut the undesired mails into a new ticket and than (1) copy that conclusion into a note in the original ticket and (2) delete the new ticket which was generated by cutting the original ticket. But that seems not possible.)


However I need a solution for those occurences.

Userlevel 2
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May I ask who are the CC receivers ? If they are your internal team members who are not agents (or) any third-party whose input is required in resolving a ticket, then you can @mention them (collaborator feature) and they can add a private note in Freshdesk instead of replying to ticket. 


These private notes are not visible to the requestor or customer. Hope this helps!

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Dear Priya,

many thanks for the hint with collaborators. I made some tests and learn new things.

Can I ask a question for that?

When I mention an @collaborator he gets an email with the information.
Is there any setting which allowes to inform the collaborator in case of a new update (incoming mail, outgoing mail, private note)?

Thanks for your help, and best regards.
