How well do you know Freshdesk?

Related products: Freshdesk

Drop your answers as comments, answers will be revealed mid next week!




3. A field to capture/assign urgency

4. You do everything to increase this score

6. Be on time

7. Try and test new configurations

8. Enable customers to help themselves



1. Assess customers' emotions from their tickets

2. An occasional agent’s necessity

3. Customers come here to raise tickets

5. To automatically follow updates on a ticket, you become a ___ ?

9. Let AI do its magic!

  1. sentimentanalysis
  2. Daypass
  3. Priority
  4. CSAT
  5. Watcher
  6. SLA
  7. Sandbox
  8. Selfservice
  9. Freddy

Nice job @MatsPicoπŸ†

But you missed 3-Down. What do you think it is? 

Nice job @MatsPicoπŸ†

But you missed 3-Down. What do you think it is? 

Portal of course, I forgot to add that answer

@MatsPico Perfect, you got everything right. πŸ˜ƒ Thank you for participating!