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Departments and executive agencies

The European Commission is organised into:

  • Policy departments, known as Directorates-General, responsible for different policy areas. They develop, implement and manage EU policy, law, and funding programmes
  • Service departments dealing with particular administrative issues
  • Executive agencies managing programmes set up by the Commission

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Departments and executive agencies (56)

Showing results 1 to 20
  • Directorate-general
  • AGRI

DG AGRI is responsible for the EU Commission's policies on agriculture, rural development and the common agricultural policy (CAP).

  • Directorate-general
  • BUDG

The European Commission's department for budget (DG BUDG) is responsible for managing the EU budget.

  • Directorate-general

This department leads the European Commission's efforts to fight climate change at EU and international level.

  • Directorate-general
  • COMM

The department for communication (DG COMM) is responsible for explaining EU policies to the public and informing the Commission on trends in public opinion

  • Directorate-general
  • COMP

The department for competition (DG COMP) is responsible for the EU Commission's policies on competition and antitrust law.

  • Service
  • DPO

The Data Protection Officer ensures, in an independent manner, that the European Commission correctly applies law protecting individuals’ personal data.

  • Directorate-general

This Commission department is responsible for EU policy on defence industry and space.

  • Directorate-general

This Commission department is responsible for digital services and infrastructure.

  • Directorate-general

DG ECFIN is responsible for the EU Commission's policies promoting economic growth, higher employment, stable public finances and financial stability.

  • Directorate-general
  • EAC

This Directorate-General (DG EAC) is responsible for the EU Commission's policies on education, youth, sport and culture

  • Directorate-general
  • ENER

DG ENER is responsible for the EU Commission's policies on energy

  • Directorate-general
  • ENV

DG ENV is responsible for the EU Commission's policies on the environment.

  • Directorate-general
  • OLAF

The European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) investigates and prevents fraudulent use of EU funds. It also develops the European Commission's anti-fraud policy.