U.S. Department of Education United States of America
U.S. Department of Education

College Affordability and Transparency List

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Which colleges have the highest and lowest tuition and net prices?

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How much do career and vocational programs cost?

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How fast are college costs going up?

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Download Data File

Download the data file of all Title IV institutions used to generate the 2024 College Affordability and Transparency lists here:

What are some reasons for the increase in college costs?

Institutions placed on the CATC highest tuition or net price list are required by the Higher Education Act of 1965 to complete the College Affordability and Transparency Form (CATEF) to explain why costs have gone up at their school, and how the rising costs could be addressed. The CATEF Summary Guide to College Costs summarizes institutions’ responses to their inclusion on the lists.
Other Links
For data used in these lists, go to the  IPEDS website.
To apply for financial aid, go to  https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/fafsa.
To search for colleges, go to  https://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/.