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Nick Stauner's user avatar
Nick Stauner's user avatar
Nick Stauner's user avatar
Nick Stauner
  • Member for 10 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 7 years ago
6 votes

Let's get critical: Aug 2014 Site Self-Evaluation

5 votes

'We all are from SO': A probable promotion issue?

4 votes

Finding help with psychological and emotional problems

3 votes

Let's get critical: Feb 2014 Site Self-Evaluation

3 votes

Stop undoing my downvotes!

2 votes

Profile and header image for the cogsci.SE facebook page

2 votes

the dollar sign and the `` are not showing correctly

2 votes

What should I do when my question was interesting and intriguing, to me, but the answer is too esoteric to understand?

2 votes

Link list for self-help questions?

2 votes

Simple tag synonym suggestions

2 votes

Simple tag synonym suggestions

2 votes

Are specific brain facts about specific people considered on topic?

1 vote

Why is the only off-topic option CS.meta?

1 vote

I request that accepted edits increase the reputation of the editor

1 vote

Reflection on site strategy and problem prevention

1 vote

Please be more careful with tags such as [cognitive-modeling]

1 vote

Do we want copy-paste answers?

1 vote

We have 1500+ visits per day (January 2014)

1 vote

How big is too big for questions?

1 vote

Site description for the cogsci.SE facebook page

1 vote

How should I improve this question?

1 vote

What site statistics might indicate that our site is ready to graduate from beta?

1 vote

Finding help with psychological and emotional problems

0 votes

Would the question, on, regarding the feeling one gets after watching a dramatic movie on-topic here?

-1 votes

Do we want some more specific tags on Coggy?

-1 votes

Should SE start a separate Mental Fitness beta?