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Daniel's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
23 votes

Python function to map True, False, and None to symbols for display

13 votes

Text Adventure Game in Python

12 votes

Comic Image Web Scraper

11 votes

Text-based User Interface in Python

10 votes

Webscraper for

10 votes

Linux screen dimmer based on battery level

9 votes

Python Output Class

8 votes

Accepting user input for tickets and tips

8 votes

Verifying IPv6 addresses

8 votes

Function to censor single word in a sentence

8 votes

Determining if a palindrome exists in a linked list using recursion

8 votes

Generating Permutations in Python

7 votes

Advanced Python logging system

7 votes

Argument-parsing class in Python to handle a --force flag

7 votes

Module that warns (a chatbot) about high rate of messages

7 votes

Simple Decrypter/Encrypter

7 votes

Basic python dice simulator with log function

7 votes

Python script for monitoring systemd services (cpu/memory usage)

6 votes

Python3 Stack implementation with List built-in

6 votes

A simple program with trains and inheritance

6 votes

Shopping List Application (Work in Progress)

6 votes

Menu driven program to store data for a book collection

5 votes

Extract the title from a webpage using the python 3 standard lib

5 votes

A basic Object Orientated REPL Implementation

5 votes

Check website for update

5 votes

Number guess game program in python 3

5 votes

Validating Credit Card Numbers

4 votes

Snake game made with Python

4 votes

Python Guess the Word Game

4 votes

A very small crawler created using class