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3 votes
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Leetcode: Number of Islands - BFS (Queue vs Recursion)

I was playing around with leetcode's Number of Islands. As per the challenge's description: Given an m x n 2D binary grid grid which represents a map of '1's (land) and '0's (water), return the ...
ccot's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Leetcode: Largest Number

I was trying out leetcode's Largest Number. As per the challenge's description: Given a list of non-negative integers nums, arrange them such that they form the largest number and return it. Since ...
ccot's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Leetcode: Steps to Make Array Non-decreasing

I was trying out leetcode's Steps to Make Array Non-decreasing As per the challenge's description: You are given a 0-indexed integer array nums. In one step, remove all elements nums[i] where nums[i ...
ccot's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Leetcode : First Missing Positive

I was trying out leetcode's first missing positive. As per the challenge's description: Given an unsorted integer array nums, return the smallest missing positive integer. You must implement an ...
ccot's user avatar
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A parallel MSD radix sort in Java for integer keys

I have this repository: It contains a parallel MSD radix sort presented below: ...
coderodde's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Merge a list of deeply nested HashMaps

Suppose I have a list of hashmaps (<String, Object>). Values can be either scalar types or a nested HashMap with the same type. I need to merge a list of this ...
Cristian's user avatar
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Making Robert Tarjan's offline LCA algorithm run (much) faster (Java)

I have produced this GitHub repository that compares the performance of: Robert Tarjan's off-line lowest common ancestors algorithm, An improvement of the above algorithm. Typical demo program ...
coderodde's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Traverse a list of tree nodes

I am wondering if there is a better way to traverse a list of trees. Here is my current algorithm: Collect the parent IDs in a Map Traverse all the groups and find ones where their ID is not in the ...
Mr. Polywhirl's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Fastest function to find cumulative largest perfect squares of a single number?

I'm attempting to write an algorithm that will find the largest perfect squares of a given integer, subtracting their values from the total each time, as fast as possible. It's somewhat hard to ...
Will Berner's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Calculate square of (sum of even-indexed) - (sum of odd-indexed) subarrays from an array

Find all subarrays from a given array in the least possible time complexity. Requirement: calculate the square of (sum of even-indexed elements) - (the sum of odd-indexed elements) of al the subarrays....
Adil's user avatar
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Leetcode kth largest element without using heaps

I was working on kth largest element problem on leetcode Question Given an integer array nums and an integer k, return the kth largest element in the array. Note that it is the kth largest element in ...
D_S_X's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

return the number of times is state of bulb changed?

Today in an exam I faced a problem which is Toggled Switches(Hacker Earth) as it is an exam question So, I am unable to send the question or its link (exactly). Problem: we have to print a number ...
chandu_reddim's user avatar
2 votes
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Distribute items based on the time duration

I just finished a small assignment and I would like to get some feedback about the implementation here. Basically, it was all about distributing items ("talks" in this case) throughout the ...
user avatar
3 votes
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LeetCode 146: LRU Cache III

I'm posting my Java code for LeetCode's LRU Cache. If you have time and would like to review, please do so. Thank you! Problem Design and implement a data structure for Least Recently Used (LRU) ...
Emma's user avatar
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LeetCode 218: The Skyline Problem II

Here I'm posting my Java code for the skyline problem. If you have time and would like to review, please do so, I'd appreciate that. Problem A city's skyline is the outer contour of the silhouette ...
Emma's user avatar
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LeetCode 767: Reorganize String

Here I'm posting my code for the Reorganize String problem on LeetCode. If you have time and would like to review, please do so, I'd appreciate that. On LeetCode, we are only allowed to change the ...
Emma's user avatar
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LeetCode 76: Minimum Window Substring - Java

I'm posting my Java code for the Minimum Window Substring. If you have time and would like to review, please do so, I appreciate that. Problem Given a string string...
Emma's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to optimize Karatsuba algorithm (using arraylist and java)

I was using Karatsuba algorithm to multiply two polynomials and return the coefficients and I am using java, we are asked to use arraylists here, however, my code is too complicated and it takes much ...
Jenny's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How to efficiently find if numbers in a given range contains either 1 or 3, but not both?

I am having a trouble speeding up my implementation. The question is, given a range of numbers from long a to long b, find how many lucky numbers are between a and b inclusive. A number is a lucky ...
Juhyeon Lee's user avatar
5 votes
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Performance Enhancement of A Star Path Finder algorithm with 1024 multidimentional array

I have the below code for a A* pathfinder, however it is taking upwards of 10 minutes to find a solution using a simple 1024 x 1024 array. I had to comment out ...
Ian Taylor's user avatar
0 votes
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Java Palindrome - Time & Space Complexity

Which of these three methods is the most efficient? Also, what is the time & space complexity of each? ...
PacificNW_Lover's user avatar
4 votes
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Filtering product ids

As regarding the following question I have completed the code as below. But I am curious about other effective solutions. I am also curious about if there is any solution that could be applicable by ...
Neslihan Bozer's user avatar
1 vote
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"Edit Distance" algorithm

I have a piece of code that calculates the edit distance between words and works, but it's apparently not fast enough. ...
Schytheron's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

Counting number of `1` digits in the value of \$11^n\$

I am trying to improve the efficiency of my code, The Question is: Given a value n, where n is in the range ...
Prash's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Brute-force ID reversal search

EDIT The random number generator in this code is a blackbox for a similar algorithm that isn't publishable for privacy concern. The algorithm works in similar way, in that it takes in a seed value ...
Hither Joe's user avatar
3 votes
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Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm in Java Finding substrings in a matrix

Problem Given two matrices: a pattern p and a text t. Write a program that counts the number of occurrences of ...
a-ina's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Remove elements compared with other elements in a Set based on a condition

Simplified the actual problem to focus on comparing/removing performance. Given a set S with n elements , find the most optimal way to compare each element to all others until a condition is met that ...
Arjen's user avatar
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1 vote
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Adding a number to an array of digits

I'm a student in my first semester and in my free time and holidays, I do some java training to keep my mind from I downloaded this amazing Digital Algorithms practice app and came across ...
StudentAccount4's user avatar
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Algorithm X implementation for Minimum Dominating Set

As as final project for a MOOC I wanted to write a program that finds the exact cover set/minimum dominating set from the given social network data. So I did end up with writing this. I kinda followed ...
alemst11's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Arranging numbers in a circle such that the sums of neighbors and sums of diametric opposites are prime

I need to create a circle with numbers from 1 to n , however it is necessary to respect some rules: All numbers from 1 to n are used in the circle only once. The sum of two consecutive numbers ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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3 votes
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N-puzzle solver using A* search

I have written a Java program to solve a N-puzzle with A* search and manhattan distance. My program can solve every 8-puzzle I have tested under 1 second, but it can't solve a 15-puzzle after 30 ...
Marten's user avatar
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5 votes
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Pascal's Triangle Java (performance)

I need to get some information about the Pascal Triangle. What is a pascal triangle ? It is a triangle of integers with 1 at the top and at the sides. Any number inside is equal to the sum of the ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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5 votes
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Goldbach conjecture solution finder

The Goldbach conjecture says: any even number greater than two can be represented by the sum of two prime numbers. G(n) = { (p1, p2) | p1 + p2 = n, p1 and p2 are prime numbers with p1 < p2 } ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Trip planning algorithm

I was presented with an interview question described as follows: Receiving an int[] A of cities, where each A[i] has an appeal ...
Power_of_zero's user avatar
1 vote
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External polyphase merge sort

For comparison with other external sorting algorithms, I have implemented external polyphase merge sort, purported to be useful to sort large files that do not fit into main memory. More theoretical ...
henrich's user avatar
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0 votes
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Searching for a sum of any series in array

I'm given this method, and requested to analyze what it does, and minimize its complexity (both time and space). All values are known to be larger than zero. ...
Shimmy Weitzhandler's user avatar
2 votes
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Find the highest result between two elements in an array using their values and indices

I got a programming question on an interview where performance was the focus. I couldnt come up with a better solution than the one below which I think has a time complexity of O(n^2 + n) and scored ...
Niclas Hammar's user avatar
3 votes
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Speed up Magic square program

I have written a Java program to calculate magic squares with recursion and backtracking. A 3*3 Magic square is calculated in about 1 sec, but a 4*4 needs about 50 minutes on my laptop with Intel i5. ...
Marten's user avatar
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Map Character to Characters Most Frequently Found With it (in list of strings)

For an interview, I was tasked with writing a program that consumes a list of strings, and produces a mapping between every character in the list, and the characters found most frequently with it (let'...
dfrey's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Producer consumer design and implementation using Java 8

Please review my design and code implementation and suggest if any optimisation is possible in terms of performance (time complexity / space complexity ) or any better way of design or implementation. ...
Hackmaster's user avatar
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Longest Palindromic Substring challenge

My code is a mix-up between dynamic programming with the HashMap and brute force with the way I reach out the results and substring. I don't know how to optimize my ...
Manu Carba's user avatar
-1 votes
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Extract a box with pixel values from an image, calculate the mean of each possible box [closed]

I have a two-dimensional array with M rows and N columns, with each element having a value between 0 and 255. I have a second two-dimensional array with m rows and n columns, m < M, n < N. ...
Narcis Neacsu's user avatar
4 votes
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INCARDS SPOJ challenge

Question- In short question says that you have N bus stops and K bus routes. Every bus routes is linked to two bus stops. Each route has some cost of travelling. It says one person visit any ...
Ladoo's user avatar
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Converting Reverse Polish to Infix Notation in Java

I am trying to solve a programming challange that involves converting reverse polish notation to infix notation. For example: 1 3 + 2 4 5 - + / would be: ((1+3)/(2+(4-5))) My solution so far does work,...
Sander's user avatar
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Binary Tree max sum conditionally

Problem : A binary tree is given as an input, each node of binary tree contains one integer value. Find the maximum sum of collection of nodes such that following two conditions are met. if node's ...
white_cat's user avatar
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Tic Tac Toe game becomes more inefficient as time goes on

I designed a tic tac toe using 4 classes. The game class being the main class, the board class being the board, the player class being the decision making, and the AI class keeping the previous game ...
XTImpossible's user avatar
2 votes
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Let us schedule a meeting

Description: Write a method mergeMeetings() that takes a list of multiple meeting time ranges and returns a list of condensed ranges. The integers represent the number of 30-minute blocks past 9:00am....
CodeYogi's user avatar
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3 answers

Merge sorted lists, removing duplicates

I want to merge two sorted lists of Integers but this is not the general mergesort case because the same number may appear in both lists. (However, each number can only appear once in a particular ...
Miguel-David's user avatar
2 votes
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Backtracking maze traversal

I have a functional backtracking solution, but I am only able to finish 22/25 test cases before exceeding my specified time limit. Any suggestions on how to improve the speed are greatly appreciated! ...
Shane's user avatar
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Custom sorting algo / optimized bubble sort

I'm a novice and started diving into data structures and algorithms recently. I was taught bubble sort recently and I found that the original bubble sort algorithm is so inefficient, so I wrote a ...
SandyG's user avatar
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