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.NET Repository Pattern

I'm currently in the process of defining some framework, one of the first things that I thought I could start with was defining some repository pattern/layer. I generally wanted some input on it, ...
JO3-W3B-D3V's user avatar
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Parcel size classifier [closed]

I submitted a technical assignment for a job interview process and I am stressing out wondering if my submission was any good. I would like to learn and be a better developer, so please give me ...
Javed's user avatar
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proper structure of classes using interface classes [closed]

Given the following two interfaces what would the proper way to set up the two actual classes? ...
John S's user avatar
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ChangeCalculator for calculating money denominations in change

I'm doing some exercises in OOP and I just created a program that calculates amounts of denominations in a change at the shop. So, let's say something costs 10, I give 25.30 (for some reason), so I ...
mnj's user avatar
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6 votes
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A simple program which returns specific value from array

After researching for an hour regarding SOLID Principles, I tried to do it myself. Please note that most of these codes were from the ideas of others. I created a simple program which returns ...
Syntax Error's user avatar
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Is this code a good solution for this task?

waterdev's user avatar
4 votes
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Simple Vector2 structures (and interface)

I built a couple Vector2 structures (Vector2 and Vector2F) for use with a particular project,...
Der Kommissar's user avatar
1 vote
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Cameras and ITrackableObjects

The purpose of these two classes (and hence why I am including them together) is to allow you to create a Camera, that indicates a "render zone", and track an ...
Der Kommissar's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Implementing Dynamic Network Message Handling (Part II)

This is an iterative review request of this other question I posted. As a follow up to that previous question, I changed the pattern completely and I went to an events-based approach, which might be ...
Der Kommissar's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Implementing Dynamic Network Message Handling

I'm trying to handle network messages in a dynamic, and effective way, though I feel I've overthought it again. As of now, I have a very structured approach, but it feels as if it's a lot of overhead ...
Der Kommissar's user avatar
2 votes
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IRepository Pattern - Interface Segregation Principle

I have an IRepository class that I use a lot. But I noticed that for many of my repositories I do not implement most of the methods. Also, I usually don't have a ...
Issa Fram's user avatar
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Implement interface type in implementation of another interface without too much casting

I have a group of tests that must be run in similar (but different) fashion and they have setups, results, etc. which are also similar but different. Great, I thought, I'll use interfaces to define ...
kvermeer's user avatar
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User Authentication Bundle

I wrote a user authentication program(s) for an MVC application. Before you ask part of the project specs are I have to store user information in company databases on servers that aren't the web ...
aaronmallen's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Understanding interface with animal classes

I made this small program to demonstrate to myself an example of interface. I wanted to confirm whether it is correct and if there is anything more I should know about interfaces other than the ...
lbrahim's user avatar
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