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Questions tagged [excel]

Microsoft Excel is a commercial spreadsheet application written and distributed by Microsoft.

111 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
29 votes
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Pacman implemented in OOP VBA

What?, Why? I have been inspired by several other posts on the topic of OOP implementations in VBA to try and create a Pacman clone. I think this task is not all that hard in most languages; but, I ...
ArcherBird's user avatar
19 votes
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Progress Bar for Excel

Any future updates can be found at Excel-VBA-ProgressBar What I've been using so far For the last 6 years I've been using a progress form which I wrote in VBA using just Windows API calls. The code (...
Cristian Buse's user avatar
8 votes
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A VBA program to quantify the performance of code execution timers

Motivation I am interested in optimising the execution time of code with short (fast) execution times on the order of microseconds (µs), but that will be used with high frequency (e.g. like ...
vbAdder's user avatar
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Responding to Events of Dynamically added Controls

I was asked for an example of a class to wrap dynamically added controls as I suggested in this Answer. Although it is out of the context of a Code Review, I thought that it would make an interesting ...
TinMan's user avatar
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IndexedArray Class: Uses a Dictionary Keys to Index a 2 Dimensional Array of Values

This class encapsulates a 2D Array and a Scripting Dictionary. Values are add or returned from to the Array using a Key and a ColumnIndex, e.g. ...
TinMan's user avatar
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8 votes
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Bringing The System.Text.StringBuilder Up To Lightning Speed In The VBA

After having to swap the feature rich System.Text.StringBuilder for the very fast but very vanilla A lightning-fast StringBuilder, I decided it was time create a ...
TinMan's user avatar
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7 votes
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Web Battleship -The Unofficial Battleship UI

I've written my own UI for Mathieu Guindon's VBA Battleship (Battleship UI: GameSheet) which uses a webpage in a WebBrowser control for the View. Webform: Userform ...
TinMan's user avatar
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6 votes
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Shape Text Formatter Class a Builder Pattern

The preeminence is to have every method of the formatter return the formatter as a reference. This allows it to add and format text in chain. Such as: ...
TinMan's user avatar
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6 votes
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An over-the-top approach to data entry

My goal: to make the already easy task of filling out an excel sheet 1% easier by putting in hours and hours of effort. On a more serious note, I'm currently developing a system to manage inventory at ...
Hayden Moss's user avatar
6 votes
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Office CommandBarButton Icon Browser in the VBEditor

Frustrated with the solutions that I found online I decided to write my of Icon Browser. From the onset I decided that my Icon Browser should work from the VBEditor and not show any of the thousands ...
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5 votes
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safexl - A Python / pywin32 Excel Application wrapper

Thanks in advance for your interest in my first PyPI project. While there happen to be a number of projects out there to help with creating & consuming Excel workbooks, I was unable to find one ...
ThePoetCoder's user avatar
5 votes
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Parsing Long Excel Report Files for Predefined Results

I work as an IT intern in a multinational and I was given a tedious task of combing through a 2500+ long multi-column excel report file in search of inactive servers. Here's a sample row from that ...
baduker's user avatar
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Multithreaded Excel + VBScript Timer: Snake Game Demo

Multithreaded Excel + VBScript Timer After reviewing these post: Snake in Excel in… VBA? and Drawing a snake using arrow keys in Excel using VBA, I decided to work on creating a VBA Timer. The ...
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5 votes
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Converting multiple excel files in multiple folders into CSV

The whole project is quite large, involving parsing the CSV-files, validating them, exporting them to a database and such, but my code in question involves subset of the project: converting multiple ...
Christian's user avatar
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Scraper for parsing, downloading, and setting images beside each link in an Excel file

I've written a script in VBA which is able to parse image links from a website, download and store them in a local folder and finally set those images beside each link in an Excel file. As the script ...
SIM's user avatar
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4 votes
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Print apartment mailbox lists from excel

Update Due to the fact that the client's version of excel does not support VBA, I have moved on to a C# excel interop solution which has been reviewed. The test data has been added at the bottom. The ...
pacmaninbw's user avatar
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Scraping and filling out a time-off request

In my ongoing quest to automate everything I have to do at my job, I've decided to learn how to do webscraping with VBA. I wanted to start with something easy, so the following simply fills out a ...
Hayden Moss's user avatar
4 votes
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Sheet display in function of date and time on open and save (2)

Since I had to almost start all of the code again with first refactor and an eye opening advice on a random Overflow question, here it is again: This is a code that selects the right sheet according ...
Patates Pilées's user avatar
4 votes
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Looking for more efficient VBA to Move data from Teradata to Excel

I have a simple macro moving data from Teradata to Excel. The process normally takes me 10 minutes to perform manually, however the macro can run for hours sometimes. This is making the macro seems ...
Pumpkin's user avatar
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Combine filtered or hidden cells

Purpose of the code: I have 3 Excel files to deal with. Those file have already been filtered or hidden because the content is very large. And I only need part of the content for every excel files. I ...
briiipo's user avatar
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Edit Excel through MS Access

I have an Access macro that runs AfterUpdate of a form. It opens an Excel workbook and edits a few cells. I have It working the way I want, but the problem is that ...
Bread Doughlas's user avatar
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Node JS | From Excel to Json

Intro -> I have to convert an excel file, which comes usually in this way: to a Json file that must looks like this: ...
Matteo's user avatar
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Search for used Range.NumberFormats in Excel workbook

On an overly abused workbook we've hit the limit and NumberFormats can no longer be added. If we do want to add more we need to consolidate current formats. My code ...
IvenBach's user avatar
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So what if the "View" in an MVC isn't a Userform, but is the Worksheet?

So I've been following the discussions around VBA as an OOP language and the applicability of various design patterns, such as MVP or MVC. Excellent postings on these topics are extremely informative ...
PeterT's user avatar
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Using Excel Cell StyleElements to Style HTML Document

CellStyleCSS class creates css based of Excel Workbook CellStyles. This class is used in conjunction with TagBuilder class, ...
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4 votes
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Comb Sort Multi-dimensional Array on Key

Previously: Comb Sort in VBA I've been running two different comb sorts (on arrays) depending on whether I want to sort numbers or strings and I figured I would give using ...
Raystafarian's user avatar
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A vehicle database in Excel

I'm looking for some help. I'm new to coding and have started creating this Vehicle database program in Excel for a friend to use. He is wanting to be able to see all vehicles he owns, when ...
Kendall Briggs's user avatar
3 votes
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Updating VBA code from a central repository in distributed Excel workbooks

I wrote this to help manage the code in a bunch of distributed workbooks. Maybe someday I will re-write this as an add-in, but for now, I just needed a way to manage the code without having to ...
CBRF23's user avatar
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Evaluate performance of DLL calls from VBA

While playing with a VBA project involving Windows APIs, I have noticed some odd behavior: API calls under Excel 2016/VBA7/x64 appeared to be much slower than under Excel 2002/VBA6/x32. Since I ...
PChemGuy's user avatar
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Setting a forecast for 2,5k workers intraday for a whole month

I'm working on a large project that requires a ton of data to be processed. I was thinking that using classes would be the best way, and it is, until it has to dump out the memory at the end of every ...
Damian's user avatar
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Speeding up a complex array function in excel

I have a complex array function that takes way too much time to calculate, which is why I'm looking for ways to make it more efficient. Basically, I have a transaction sheet in which I list all goods ...
Matze's user avatar
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Rich data types - boolean object

Context You can probably skim most of this, it's unlikely to be useful for a review and is just for background info. Also download the files I've tried to create a ...
Greedo's user avatar
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Alternative for VLOOKUP/Index-Match in VBA

I am sharing this function I wrote with the community to provide an alternative to slow VLOOKUP and/or Index-...
rickmanalexander's user avatar
3 votes
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Copying content from Excel into PowerPoint as a picture, with error handling

The code below works, but I want to ask if my solution is adequate or if there's something I should structure differently. If it's alright, I'll apply the same code in other subs. My code copies ...
Alex's user avatar
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Converting VBA Add-In to C# VSTO. Code following button click event

This is my first program with C# and VS and was originally a VBA Add-In I wrote. I have embarked on this as a learning exercise. The code does work and provides the desired output in a new workbook. ...
Courtland9777's user avatar
3 votes
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Code runs slower when executed from ribbon compared to directly in module

We use third party addin that downloads market data from the internet into a workbook. The addin works with custom functions that begin with CompanyAddin. For instance, a formula in a cell could look ...
MaineBlackBears's user avatar
3 votes
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Retrieving data in multiple formats from Excel with Python

Scenario: I have an excel file that contains some data in the first sheet. That data can be simple strings on a cell or CheckBoxes (marked or not). Data example: ...
DGMS89's user avatar
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Document "Search Engine" in Excel

I've created a somewhat "Brute-force search engine" based on a document's filename, as well as an additional keyword that describes the said document. I had to make one as my company's resources are a ...
Basher's user avatar
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CheckedRange Class

This class is used to make Excel Cells behave like Checkboxes. Clicking the cell raises a CheckedRange_Clicked(Target as Range) event and toggles it's value ...
TinMan's user avatar
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Excel VBA to download from IE Database Stops Responding

first time using Code Review, although I have been active on StackOverflow, hope I'm in the right place. I am putting together Excel VBA code that using information from various columns on a ...
TBoulz's user avatar
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MS Office Suite VBA: ShellWait() and PowerShell()

I stumbled across this post on SO, and it had a link to some good code; however the code itself was a bit dated. Since the code has a "do not modify" clause I went back to the basics as noted by the ...
Gregor y's user avatar
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Getters, constructors and eval

I'm trying to parse an object generated from an Excel file. The output lists each cell with its contents. If the cell is just a number then it remains a number but if the cell contains a formula (has ...
PFlans's user avatar
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SheetJS method to create an Excel file with subheaders

The method is fully functional and creates an excel as expected. What I would like to know, is if can be made more functional and better written for maintainability. For example, how can I put the ...
Jakub's user avatar
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Command line framework for VBA compiler app, written in twinBASIC :o

Ok compiler is a bit of a stretch... I'm working on a package manager for VBA code, written primarily in python. One fiddly step of the pipeline involves "compiling" packages; this is the ...
Greedo's user avatar
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Python data entry into excel based on equality check with dataframe

My objective is to enter/type in values into Excel cells if the column names and indices match between Excel and dataframe. So, my code does the below Gets the ID values from the dataframe for each ...
The Great's user avatar
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My first vba-selenium code

I have been obtaining financial information on an annuity I have which is invested in multiple funds which are proprietary to the insurance company. The asset value is not available other than on ...
Ron Rosenfeld's user avatar
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How to speed up the VBA scraping process

I want to scrape 25000 addresses using Column A cell values as search strings. I'm using the following code, it is working fine but it's too slow to extract 25000 results. Is there any way to speed up ...
Jamshaid's user avatar
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Speeding up my Python code for reading from Excel, performing geospatial analysis and writing to Excel files

I have written a Python snippet that reads lat and long stored in an Excel file. Converts them to a point which is then used to perform multiple geospatial analysis including buffer, intersection, and ...
alauddin's user avatar
2 votes
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Modeling data from Excel sheets to parse to Excel sheet

Background: I have close to 50 excel files - I cannot change the data source - and I steadily get more. My task is to make sense of all that data and, lo an behold, save that as another excel file (I ...
Nacorid's user avatar
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Create a distribution from .xlsx file using Java

I have an Excel file with 2 columns, names and numbers. I want to know for each name what is the probability for each number. I prefer to do it in Java so I would be able to combine it with the rest ...
Netanel Albert's user avatar

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