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Questions tagged [c#]

C# is a multi-paradigm, managed, garbage-collected, object-oriented programming language created by Microsoft in conjunction with the .NET platform. Use this tag for questions related to C#. In case a specific version of the framework is used, you could also include that tag; for instance .net-2.0.

-1 votes
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Lock Free queue [closed]

Anton Christiansen's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Sorting and filtering using dynamic parameters

I have this code which I am upgrading to .NET 8. The intention is to sort and filter the resultset using the parameters. Right now it has a lot of if else and redundant code inside the blocks. I would ...
codeandcloud's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

C# Linked List implementation

I am trying to learn C# and created this project to improve. I will be using C# professionally so a harsh critique is welcome. ...
Doruk's user avatar
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CSV Data Plotting Program using CsvHelper in C#

This is a follow-up question for CSV Data Plotting Program in C#. I am trying to use CsvHelper to build an application for plotting CSV Data in this post. In the ...
JimmyHu's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to avoid null Values in a .NET 6+ ASP.NET project [closed]

I'm currently exploring multiple options to get rid of null values in my .net web api applications. Let's say, that we have the following Project: ...
szuuuken's user avatar
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1 vote
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Autocorrelation of a vector series (3)

I used System.Linq.Count(). However, I found that function slow. So, I wrote this function in C# 4.7.0. ...
user366312's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

A function to read ASCII data files with 3*n columns

This C# 4.7.0 function works moderately well. However, I need to increase the speed more. How can I do that? Alternatively, can I start start exactly from the ...
user366312's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Check against groups of constants [closed]

In my .NET Framework app (stuck at C# 7.3), I use many if checks against group of constants in so many places (maintained more than 10 years). Existing: ...
Anwar Chandra's user avatar
2 votes
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CSV Data Plotting Program in C#

I am trying to implement a CSV data plotting program in C#. In the plotting part, I use ScottPlot.NET to perform plotting operation. There are five column in the given CSV file, therefore, I use ...
JimmyHu's user avatar
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4 votes
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C# items that don't follow rest of interface

I'm working on a game with unity, and I've created a state manager for the in-game state of certain organisms. Each state implements a ISimpleStateManager interface,...
Abdul Ahmad's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Passing in method as func and using dynamic to circumvent type checking

I'm working on a side project. One of the design decisions is that components shouldn't do any database calling (if this is wrong or impractical then I'm open to disregarding this design policy). I'm ...
xtreampb's user avatar
  • 123
4 votes
1 answer

JSON data converting to Excel File

I have two sets of data coming in from the front end. One is the table header and the other is the table body. the data is in ...
Jefferson's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Convention based OpenApi schema generation for dotnet and NSwag

So I am getting tired from adding the same [ProducesResponseType] attribute on my WebAPI controller methods over and over, and I thought there must be an easier, ...
Marc Wittke's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Recursively iterate over every object in an object graph looking for specific types

I have an object graph which contains two types of objects that I care about: Link objects that contain an ID and a reference to the object with that ID. ...
ScottishTapWater's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

The Never-Ending IFs

Note: the answer can come in either VB.NET or C#. I have no preference for this Q&A. I'd like to tame the monstrosity I've created below. The requirement is to obtain some input from the user and ...
InteXX's user avatar
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