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Questions tagged [api]

API, for code implementing (NOT using) an Application Programming Interface. A program's API defines the proper way for a developer to request services from that program, site and/or service.

9 votes
2 answers

Responding to API requests with much complexity

So having used the SE API multiple times, I like how all responses are in a Wrapper object, and for my own API design I figured it was a good method to follow. Of ...
Der Kommissar's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Using the BBC iPlayer API for managing TV programs

I have been learning Ruby by reading books and tutorials, and practising some problems on Codewars to level-up my new skills, when I had an idea for a little Ruby code project. It will store ...
WelshGandalf's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Telegram Rest API client design

I'm working on a "framework" for Telegram bots and right now everything "just works". I'm now in the process of rethinking about what I wrote and one of the things I dislike a lot is how I implemented ...
fnurglewitz's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Managing a programmatically accessible stack trace

VBA has a call stack... but there's no programmatic way to tap into it, which means in order to get a stack trace for a runtime error, one has to manage it manually. Here's some example code that ...
Mathieu Guindon's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Calling TWITCH API and displaying online/offline users of a channel

I've got this working almost to where I want it. The part I can't get right may be due to the programming so I'd like to get a review. I'm making JSON calls to the <...
isosceles's user avatar
  • 149
3 votes
1 answer

Simple Calculator RESTfull API on Java

I have written a small calculator REST API and I need someone to look the structure and design of what I did. I want to know how I can make it better. Here is an example with multiplication. Other ...
LEQADA's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

API design for loading OpenGL textures asynchronously

What do you think about this API for loading OpenGL textures asynchronously? My main concern is that the loader class executes code on the client io_service. This takes away some control from the ...
Qis's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Interface to the REST API

I'm implementing an interface to the REST API, with very specific ideas about which parts of the API I need. My problem is with testability of consumers of this API abstraction. The first ...
mabi's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Pointers for C++/CLI library header formatting, layout and design

I have designed a C++/CLI wrapper library that allows C++ applications on windows, and other platforms that can load C dlls (e.g. Java via JNA or Python) to make calls to my .Net library. I was ...
drone's user avatar
  • 21
5 votes
1 answer

Home Test Exercise - Create a Java Service capable of posting GitHub events to Slack

I was asked to provide a codebase for the following exercise. I have provided the requirement of the problem and also putting down the code of two main classes. Can you please review and provide your ...
Ravi's user avatar
  • 51
3 votes
1 answer

Google Maps geocoding lookup function

In an effort to keep all of the Google Maps Javascript API in it's own little world, I have created a googleMaps object that will contain all of the functions that directly make google maps webservice ...
jros's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Acquiring all products with a particular license ID

I am working on refactoring this method on the API. It's very slow, and can take the browser 12+ seconds to receive the result from the API. Can someone give me something to get me started or point ...
jward01's user avatar
  • 101
4 votes
2 answers

Wrapper for a transfer transaction API

I'm looking for any kind of advice, like when or where to do exception handling, the overall library structure/layout, usage of classes/partial classes, code efficiency, naming conventions, and so on ...
netnoob's user avatar
  • 41
4 votes
1 answer

Secure Token for use in API calls

My team has developed an API and I've been tasked with creating an authentication layer that allows partners' applications to consume it. To that end, I've created a data store which houses an ...
Jesse C. Slicer's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Script that retrieves trending topics from Twitter

The following code fetches trending topics from Twitter's API using a WOEID. It caches the response, loading from this cache the next time if its relatively fresh (generated within the last 15 minutes)...
DomStapleton's user avatar

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