
Here is my first project that I made with JavaScript and jQuery with a little bit of HTML and CSS:

var currentTurn = "X"; //X or O
var turnNumber = 0;

function generateFields() {
  var y = 1;
  var top = 50;
  for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
    var x = $("#board").append(
      "<div class='field hover-field' id='" + "nr" + i + "'></div>"
    var fieldI = $("#nr" + i);

    if (i == 0 || i == 3 || i == 6) {
      fieldI.css("margin-left", "5px");
    if (i >= 3 && i <= 8) {
      fieldI.css("margin-top", "15px");



How table looks like:
    var fieldsOnBoard = 
    ["nr0", "nr1", "nr2",
    "nr3", "nr4", "nr5",
    "nr6", "nr7", "nr8",];

function chooseField() {
  if (currentTurn == "X") {
      "<img class='cross' src='https://s18.postimg.org/s90kaibmh/cross.png'>"
    currentTurn = "O";
  } else if (currentTurn == "O") {
      "<img class='circle' src='https://s18.postimg.org/e2ktfag6x/circle.png'>"
    currentTurn = "X";

  $(this).css({ opacity: 0, scale: 0 });
  $(this).transition({ opacity: 1, scale: 1 }, "in-out");



  if (checkIfWin() != null) {

function checkIfWin() {
  var winConditions = [
    ["nr0", "nr1", "nr2"],
    ["nr3", "nr4", "nr5"],
    ["nr6", "nr7", "nr8"],
    ["nr0", "nr3", "nr6"],
    ["nr1", "nr4", "nr7"],
    ["nr2", "nr5", "nr8"],
    ["nr0", "nr4", "nr8"],
    ["nr2", "nr4", "nr6"]
  for (var x in winConditions) {
    // $("#" + winConditions[x][0] + "> img").attr("class");
    //console.log($("#" + winConditions[x][0] + "> img").attr("class") + " " + $("#" + winConditions[x][0] + "> img").attr("class") + " " + $("#" + winConditions[x][0] + "> img").attr("class"));

    var field1 = $("#" + winConditions[x][0] + "> img").attr("class");
    var field2 = $("#" + winConditions[x][1] + "> img").attr("class");
    var field3 = $("#" + winConditions[x][2] + "> img").attr("class");
    //console.log(`pierwsza = ${field1} druga = ${field2} trzecia = ${field3}`);
    if (field1 != undefined && field2 != undefined && field3 != undefined) {
      if (field1 === field2 && field2 === field3 && field1 === field3) {
        return field1;

  var fieldsOnBoard = [
  for (var z in fieldsOnBoard) {
    var full = false;

    if ($("#" + fieldsOnBoard[z] + "> img").attr("class") == undefined) {
    full = true;
  if (full) {
    return "draw";

  return null;

function endOfGame(x) {

  $("." + x)
    .removeClass(".field, " + x)
    .attr("id", "winned")
  $(".field, #lines").hide();
  $("#winned").transition({ height: "100px", width: "100px" });
    height: "200px",
    width: "200px",
    color: "#e74c3c"
  if (x != "draw") {
    $("#board").append("<p id='win-text'>HAS WON!</p>");
  } else {
    $("#board").append("<p id='win-text'>DRAW</p>");
    setTimeout(() => resetBoard(), 2000);
  $("#winned").click(() => {

  function resetBoard() {
    $(".field, #lines").show();
    $("#board").transition({ scale: 0, rotate: "-90deg" });
      .children("[id != 'lines']")
    $("#board").transition({ scale: 1, rotate: "0deg" });

Codepen (with HTML and CSS)


1 Answer 1


Congrats on building this game, it's pretty cool! I just have a few suggestions for you:

  • Don't use jQuery. You really don't need it for anything. The native versions of finding elements in your DOM are much faster than jQuery's methods, and you don't have to load a library.

  • Don't append HTML as strings. Instead, create dom elements. Then you can add id's, classes and event handlers without querying for them in the DOM.

  • Put CSS rules in a CSS file, and use javascript only to add and remove CSS classes from elements.

Let me try to rewrite this function following my own rules:

function generateFields() {
  var y = 1;
  var top = 50;
  for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
    var x = $("#board").append(
      "<div class='field hover-field' id='" + "nr" + i + "'></div>"
    var fieldI = $("#nr" + i);

    if (i == 0 || i == 3 || i == 6) {
      fieldI.css("margin-left", "5px");
    if (i >= 3 && i <= 8) {
      fieldI.css("margin-top", "15px");


Could become:

function generateFields() {
  let y = 1;
  let top = 50;
  let board = document.querySelector("board");
  for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
    let field = document.createElement("div");
    field.classList.add("field hover-field");
    field.id = "nr"+i;
    if (i == 0 || i == 3 || i == 6) {
    if (i >= 3 && i <= 8) {
    field.addEventListener("click", chooseField);


   .marginLeft {
      margin-left: 5px;
   .marginTop {
      margin-top: 15px;

There's more to improve, but hopefully these tips are helpful!

  • \$\begingroup\$ You have two bugs: document.querySelector("board") should be document.querySelector("#board") (or document.getElementById("board")). And field.classList.add("field hover-field")should be field.classList.add("field", "hover-field"). \$\endgroup\$
    – RoToRa
    Commented Mar 5, 2018 at 9:10
  • \$\begingroup\$ I should have tested :) \$\endgroup\$
    – Kokodoko
    Commented Mar 5, 2018 at 11:27

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