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When editing the title of Multiple FizzBuzz from a fileMultiple FizzBuzz from a file, I first wanted to make the title "FizzBuzz from a file" but that exact title already existsalready exists which showed an error message:

A question with that title already exists; please be more specific

Considering our different definition of duplicates on Code Review (Just because code does the same thing doesn't mean that it is the same code, which doesn't make it a duplicate), does this error message make any sense on Code Review? Should we remove it? Can we remove it?

When editing the title of Multiple FizzBuzz from a file, I first wanted to make the title "FizzBuzz from a file" but that exact title already exists which showed an error message:

A question with that title already exists; please be more specific

Considering our different definition of duplicates on Code Review (Just because code does the same thing doesn't mean that it is the same code, which doesn't make it a duplicate), does this error message make any sense on Code Review? Should we remove it? Can we remove it?

When editing the title of Multiple FizzBuzz from a file, I first wanted to make the title "FizzBuzz from a file" but that exact title already exists which showed an error message:

A question with that title already exists; please be more specific

Considering our different definition of duplicates on Code Review (Just because code does the same thing doesn't mean that it is the same code, which doesn't make it a duplicate), does this error message make any sense on Code Review? Should we remove it? Can we remove it?

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Simon Forsberg
  • 59.2k
  • 1
  • 77
  • 172

Does preventing exact duplicate titles makes sense here?

When editing the title of Multiple FizzBuzz from a file, I first wanted to make the title "FizzBuzz from a file" but that exact title already exists which showed an error message:

A question with that title already exists; please be more specific

Considering our different definition of duplicates on Code Review (Just because code does the same thing doesn't mean that it is the same code, which doesn't make it a duplicate), does this error message make any sense on Code Review? Should we remove it? Can we remove it?