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A competition to solve a particular problem through the usage and manipulation of strings.

2 votes

Simple String Reflection

Jelly,  12  11 bytes W;ṢḟṁUṣ¥jʋ/ A monadic link accepting a list of characters and returning a list of characters. Try it online! How? W;ṢḟṁUṣ¥jʋ/ - Link: list of characters V e.g. "myface" .. …
Jonathan Allan's user avatar
8 votes

Repeat the Nth elements

Jelly,  6  5 bytes -1 byte thanks to leaky Nun (use Python's string multiplication.) … ×Jm¥¦ A full program, accepting two command line arguments, the string and the number, and printing the result. Try it online! How? ×Jm¥¦ - Main link: list of characters, s; number, n e.g. …
Jonathan Allan's user avatar
4 votes

Postman Delivery

Jelly, 13 bytes ,⁵KỴṪ⁼ɗƇ@ɗ€ẎY A full program accepting three arguments - a list of civic numbers on your named street, a list of the addresses in the mail chest, and your street name - which prints …
Jonathan Allan's user avatar
9 votes

Determine the Sharpness of a Word

Jelly, 21 bytes “CSO“ANM“U“VZX”iⱮ€§ḅ- A monadic Link accepting a list of characters which yields an integer. Try it online! How? “CSO“ANM“U“VZX”iⱮ€§ḅ- - Link: list of characters, W “CSO“ANM“U“VZ …
Jonathan Allan's user avatar
1 vote

Shift the letters, soldier?

Jelly, 9 bytes O+J_32ịØṖ Try it online! How? O+J_32ịØṖ - Link: list of characters, S - e.g. "zzzzzzzzz" O - cast (S) to ordinal values [122,122,122,122,122,122,122,122,122] J …
Jonathan Allan's user avatar
0 votes

That's so meta!

. - Main link: domain string ṣ”. - split at occurrences of '.' …
Jonathan Allan's user avatar
6 votes

God is real . . . unless declared integer

Jelly,  21  20 bytes ṪḊṣ”,Om2r/71eƲƇµƇȯ”R A full program accepting a list of pairs as defined in the specification (each being [type_character, ranges_string]) which prints the appropriate type cha …
Jonathan Allan's user avatar
1 vote

Dankify this string

Jelly, 6 bytes ŒlfØaK A monadic link taking and returning lists of characters (or a program that prints the result). Try it online! How? ŒlfØaK - Main link: list of characters, s Œl - conver …
Jonathan Allan's user avatar
3 votes

Reversencode the given string

Jelly, 9 bytes ŒHṚU2¦FƲ⁺ A monadic Link accepting a list that yields a list. Try it online! How? ŒHṚU2¦FƲ⁺ - Link: list, S ⁺ - repeat this twice - i.e. f(f(S)): Ʋ - last four links …
Jonathan Allan's user avatar
4 votes

CGAC2022 Day 20: Reconstruct Santa's Book

Jelly, 16 bytes I salvaged a previous blunder so this is now almost certainly beatable! eⱮÐƤƤŒP€}SSÐṂḢ€ị A dyadic Link that accepts the sentence on the left and the pair of words on the right and yie …
Jonathan Allan's user avatar
1 vote

LS, Part 1: Ana Gram

Jelly, 18 bytes ŒlfØa,Ṣ$ Ç⁼"Ç}</ðƇ A dyadic Link that accepts the list of potentials on the left and the identity on the right and yields the filtered list. Try it online! How? ŒlfØa,Ṣ$ - Helper Link …
Jonathan Allan's user avatar
11 votes

How to pluralize ellipsis?

Jelly,  13 12  11 bytes ⁽×ʠb3’ịṭµ€K A full program that takes a list of lists of characters and prints the space separated output. Try it online! How? ⁽×ʠb3’ịṭµ€K - Main link: list of lists of c …
Jonathan Allan's user avatar
4 votes

Lily pad jumping

Jelly,  28  24 bytes -2 (and further allowing another -2) thanks to FrownyFrog (use the [post-challenge] functionality of the prefix application quick, Ƥ) ṚƤḅ-µCṀ»0+µṬ€×"³Ṛo/o”_;⁷ Try it online! Full …
Jonathan Allan's user avatar
2 votes

Make every consonant after a vowel uppercase

Jelly, 12 bytes Œue€ØḄ<ƝŻTƲ¦ A monadic Link that accepts a list of lowercase characters and yields a list of characters. Try it online! How? Œue€ØḄ<ƝŻTƲ¦ - Link: list of lowercase characters, S …
Jonathan Allan's user avatar
10 votes

Flippign Lettesr Aroudn

Jelly, 7 bytes Ḳœ?@€2K A monadic link taking and returning lists of characters Try it online! How? Ḳœ?@€2K - Link: list of characters Ḳ - split at spaces 2 - literal two € - fo …
Jonathan Allan's user avatar

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