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#Common Lisp#

Common Lisp

(set-macro-character #\( (lambda (x y) ()))

I hope you didn't need those opening parentheses.

This is a reader macro that tells the Lisp Reader to replace each instance of ( with a call to (lambda (x y) ()), a function that takes two arguments and returns nothing. So, for example, it would read (foo) as foo), interpret foo as a variable and then throw an unmatched parenthesis error on 0.

#Common Lisp#

(set-macro-character #\( (lambda (x y) ()))

I hope you didn't need those opening parentheses.

This is a reader macro that tells the Lisp Reader to replace each instance of ( with a call to (lambda (x y) ()), a function that takes two arguments and returns nothing. So, for example, it would read (foo) as foo), interpret foo as a variable and then throw an unmatched parenthesis error on 0.

Common Lisp

(set-macro-character #\( (lambda (x y) ()))

I hope you didn't need those opening parentheses.

This is a reader macro that tells the Lisp Reader to replace each instance of ( with a call to (lambda (x y) ()), a function that takes two arguments and returns nothing. So, for example, it would read (foo) as foo), interpret foo as a variable and then throw an unmatched parenthesis error on 0.

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#Common Lisp#

(set-macro-character #\( (lambda (x y) ()))

I hope you didn't need those opening parentheses.

This is a reader macro that tells the Lisp Reader to replace each instance of ( with a call to (lambda (x y) ()), a function that takes two arguments and returns nothing. So, for example, it would read (foo) as foo), interpret foo as a variable and then throw an unmatched parenthesis error on 0.