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Timeline for Make your language unusable

Current License: CC BY-SA 3.0

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Oct 22, 2019 at 16:53 comment added KrystosTheOverlord @wizzwizz4 That was probably it. I had run a scratch program, and closed my computer, when I opened it back up it was super hot and had several thousand clones and then halted, I shut it off, then it wouldn't turn back on... :(
Oct 22, 2019 at 12:28 comment added wizzwizz4 @KrystosTheOverlord That sounds like hardware failure; Scratch doesn't have the ability to actually break your computer so it doesn't turn back on.
Oct 22, 2019 at 12:20 comment added KrystosTheOverlord I did this one time by mistake, I don't exactly remember how, but I had accidently messed scratch up that my computer crashed and never turned back on :(
Aug 5, 2017 at 17:42 comment added wizzwizz4 Of course, I'm assuming that that code is written under both the green flag and start as clone hat blocks, as otherwise it would not work.
Aug 5, 2017 at 17:41 comment added wizzwizz4 @ppperry It's dependent on a version of Flash that ignores errors - this does exist. Taken to its extreme, "for small enough n" could be used to say (n-1) works for positive n < 3, but as this is algorithm-based a good algorithm should be able to make n large enough to be able to shrug that argument off. I'm not sure whether a faster or slower machine would make it more usable. However, I agree that this solution can be worked around. It's not a cops-and-robbers, but well done anyway.
Aug 5, 2017 at 17:35 comment added The Fifth Marshal I misunderstood what reset timer did, so just remove that from the loop. Still, since this setup requires external editors to create anyway, I don't see why one couldn't use external editors to add useful code, bypassing the problem in the last sentence of the first comment. Following the same rules that make languages without arbitrary precision integers valid, "for small enough n", doesn't apply, so assuming a version of scratch that ignores errors exists, this does not actually succeed in making the language unusable (although it does come close).
Aug 5, 2017 at 17:26 comment added wizzwizz4 manage to get the code in and assuming that the execution order is just right and taking for granted that you are using a version of Scratch that ignores errors then you could write the two programs necessary for a language to be considered a language as per this question so that they run quickly enough for the browser not to hang before they are complete, for small enough n in the case of the primality test.
Aug 5, 2017 at 17:24 comment added wizzwizz4 @ppperry It depends on how the project is executing - the script execution order, to be specific. The reset timer would cause the when [timer v] > 0 block to run each time that is triggered, which would cause the broadcast. Depending on the execution order the delete this clone may run before or after the clone is created - if run after then the clone will still have a chance to receive the corrupt broadcast. The break code will still run without screen refresh, trashing the GUI, meaning that it would be really hard to add extra code in the first place, but assuming that you [cont. ]
Aug 5, 2017 at 15:24 comment added The Fifth Marshal I downvoted this answer because it doesn't seem valid to me as per my previous comment on May 28 last year; Why can't this be broken by adding forever: stop other scripts in sprite;reset timer;delete this clone in one sprite and doing useful work in another.
Apr 13, 2017 at 12:39 history edited CommunityBot
replaced with
May 29, 2016 at 13:08 comment added The Fifth Marshal @wizzwizz4 I don;t understand what you mean by ...
May 29, 2016 at 7:51 comment added wizzwizz4 @ppperry ... ...
May 28, 2016 at 14:48 comment added The Fifth Marshal What happens if your code includes something like forever: stop other scripts in sprite, which should stop your cloning timer-resetting nonsense faster than it can start up again. Meanwhile, you can create a second sprite and do useful work in it.
Nov 1, 2015 at 13:42 comment added wizzwizz4 @Scimonster It was really easy actually! I just used ScratchEdit
Oct 31, 2015 at 18:52 comment added Scimonster I see. Though you have to hack the JSON file to actually get the join block in there.
Oct 30, 2015 at 15:24 comment added wizzwizz4 @Scimonster The when I receive hat block is only designed to take input from the drop-down list. The join[][] block returns a data type that the when I recieve block isn't designed to accept. Every time something is broadcast, all of the hat blocks check, and evaluate the return value of the block, throwing an incorrect type error.
Oct 30, 2015 at 12:04 comment added Scimonster How does that "when I receive glitch" work?
Oct 22, 2015 at 21:31 comment added Nebula +1 Also might be fun to run an atomic (run without screen refresh) block with stop this script in it :P
Oct 22, 2015 at 19:10 history edited wizzwizz4 CC BY-SA 3.0
added 112 characters in body
Oct 22, 2015 at 19:02 history answered wizzwizz4 CC BY-SA 3.0