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#Coffeescript, 142B

Coffeescript, 142B

f = (x) -> Math.round(3+1-223*x/20+(2*13.1375+0.6)*x*x-2*7.3125*x*x*x+3.125*x*x*x*x-0.225*x*x*x*x*x)
document.body.append ' '+f(i%6) while i++

Solve a system of linear equations, echo result.

#Coffeescript, 142B

f = (x) -> Math.round(3+1-223*x/20+(2*13.1375+0.6)*x*x-2*7.3125*x*x*x+3.125*x*x*x*x-0.225*x*x*x*x*x)
document.body.append ' '+f(i%6) while i++

Solve a system of linear equations, echo result.

Coffeescript, 142B

f = (x) -> Math.round(3+1-223*x/20+(2*13.1375+0.6)*x*x-2*7.3125*x*x*x+3.125*x*x*x*x-0.225*x*x*x*x*x)
document.body.append ' '+f(i%6) while i++

Solve a system of linear equations, echo result.

deleted 16 characters in body
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#Coffeescript, 158B142B

f = (x) -> Math.round(3 + 1 3+1- 223*x/20 + 20+(2*13.1375 + 01375+0.6)*x*x - 2*7.3125*x*x*x + 33125*x*x*x+3.125*x*x*x*x - 0.225*x*x*x*x*x)
document.body.append ' ' + f'+f(i%6) while i++

Solve a system of linear equations, echo result.

#Coffeescript, 158B

f = (x) -> Math.round(3 + 1 - 223*x/20 + (2*13.1375 + 0.6)*x*x - 2*7.3125*x*x*x + 3.125*x*x*x*x - 0.225*x*x*x*x*x)
document.body.append ' ' + f(i%6) while i++

Solve a system of linear equations, echo result.

#Coffeescript, 142B

f = (x) -> Math.round(3+1-223*x/20+(2*13.1375+0.6)*x*x-2*7.3125*x*x*x+3.125*x*x*x*x-0.225*x*x*x*x*x)
document.body.append ' '+f(i%6) while i++

Solve a system of linear equations, echo result.

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  • 1.6k
  • 8
  • 14

#Coffeescript, 158B

f = (x) -> Math.round(3 + 1 - 223*x/20 + (2*13.1375 + 0.6)*x*x - 2*7.3125*x*x*x + 3.125*x*x*x*x - 0.225*x*x*x*x*x)
document.body.append ' ' + f(i%6) while i++

Solve a system of linear equations, echo result.