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Mathematica, 18 bytes, $107,163.49


Full program; run using MathematicaScipt -script. Outputs $107163.4882807548 followed by a trailing newline. I have verified that this is the highest-scoring solution of the form $~Print~N[expr] where expr is comprised of Pi, E, I, and +-* /()!.

Mathematica, 18 bytes, $107,163.49


Full program; run using MathematicaScipt -script. Outputs $107163.4882807548 followed by a trailing newline. I have verified that this is the highest-scoring solution of the form $~Print~N[expr] where expr is comprised of Pi, E, and +-* /()!.

Mathematica, 18 bytes, $107,163.49


Full program; run using MathematicaScipt -script. Outputs $107163.4882807548 followed by a trailing newline. I have verified that this is the highest-scoring solution of the form $~Print~N[expr] where expr is comprised of Pi, E, I, and +-* /()!.

Source Link
  • 18k
  • 4
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  • 57

Mathematica, 18 bytes, $107,163.49


Full program; run using MathematicaScipt -script. Outputs $107163.4882807548 followed by a trailing newline. I have verified that this is the highest-scoring solution of the form $~Print~N[expr] where expr is comprised of Pi, E, and +-* /()!.