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#Simulate Colorblindness

Simulate Colorblindness

##The Challenge

The Challenge



##Sandbox Questions

Sandbox Questions

#Simulate Colorblindness

##The Challenge


##Sandbox Questions

Simulate Colorblindness

The Challenge


Sandbox Questions

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  • Input and output may be in any reasonable manner and format, so long as no extra information (such as the number that should be seen on the plate) is conveyed in the input other than the image data.
  • Builtins which trivialize this challenge (such as an optical character recognizition library like Tesseract) are forbidden. Though I highly doubt that any programming language or library has this functionality built-in, Mathematica and its ilk continue to surprise me.
  • The scoring set of plates will not be disclosed, to prevent optimizing for that specific set.

1: There are actually a few other variations of colorblindess, but Ishihara plates doare not detecteffective at diagnosing them well.

  • Input and output may be in any reasonable manner and format, so long as no extra information (such as the number that should be seen on the plate) is conveyed in the input other than the image data.
  • Builtins which trivialize this challenge (such as an optical character recognizition library like Tesseract) are forbidden. Though I highly doubt that any programming language or library has this functionality built-in, Mathematica and its ilk continue to surprise me.

1: There are actually a few other variations of colorblindess, but Ishihara plates do not detect them well.

  • Input and output may be in any reasonable manner and format, so long as no extra information (such as the number that should be seen on the plate) is conveyed in the input other than the image data.
  • Builtins which trivialize this challenge (such as an optical character recognizition library like Tesseract) are forbidden. Though I highly doubt that any programming language or library has this functionality built-in, Mathematica and its ilk continue to surprise me.
  • The scoring set of plates will not be disclosed, to prevent optimizing for that specific set.

1: There are actually a few other variations of colorblindess, but Ishihara plates are not effective at diagnosing them.

added 122 characters in body
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1: There are actually a few other variations of colorblindess, but Ishihara plates do not detect them well.

##Sandbox Questions

##Sandbox Questions

1: There are actually a few other variations of colorblindess, but Ishihara plates do not detect them well.

##Sandbox Questions

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