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##King Me - Draughts King of the Hill

King Me - Draughts King of the Hill

Note: I made this CW so someone else can take it over, because I have no desire to make the controller and run the tournament anymore.

Draughts (or checkers, as it is known in the United States) is a well-known international game. I was surprised that we have not had a draughts King of the Hill yet, so here's one! In case you're unfamiliar with the rules (or perhaps you need a refresher), here are the rules for English draughts, the version we will be playing.

Draughts is played on a checkerboard that looks like this:

draughts board

There are two players, white and red, who sit on the side of the board closest to their pieces' starting position. White moves first. Normal pieces (men) may move forward (from the perspective of the player; towards the other player) one space along diagonals, or jump over diagonally-adjacent pieces that are in front of them to capture them and remove them from the game. Because pieces can only move diagonally, they will always be on the dark squares of the board.

For example, the following move is permitted, and would result in the red piece being captured:


Players may jump as many pieces in a row as possible when making their move, which results in all jumped pieces being removed. Normally in draughts, jumping is not optional - if you can jump, you must jump, and you must make the longest jump possible. However, for this game, jumping is optional, and you do not have to make the longest jump possible if you do not wish to.

Additionally, when a man reaches the furthest row (the row closest to their opponent), it is promoted to a "king", which confers the ability to move (and capture) backwards along diagonals.

A game is ended when a player's pieces have all been captured or the player cannot make a valid move. The player who cannot move due to being trapped or having no pieces is the loser. To prevent games from going indefinitely, I am adding the additional condition that, if a capture has not happened in 10 turns (a turn being defined as ending after the red player has made their move), the game is ended and declared a draw.

###The Tournament

The Tournament

Submissions will be accepted for seven days following the posting of this question. At 11:59 PM UTC on the seventh day, registration will close, and the tournament will be run soon after.

Submissions will compete in a round-robin tournament. 5 points will be awarded for a win, 2 points for a draw, and 0 points for a loss. 10 games will be played per match, for each pair of contestants. The submission with the highest score at the end of the tournament will be declared the winner and chosen as the accepted answer. In the event of a tie, total number of wins will be used to decide the winner.

If a bot makes an invalid move or takes longer than 1 second (judged using Java's Timer class), it will be ruled as a forfeit for that game.

To make things simple for me, all submissions must be in Java, and will be classes that inherit from a common Bot interface. The Bot code and Controller class are provided below:

[todo: bot and controller code]

##King Me - Draughts King of the Hill

Note: I made this CW so someone else can take it over, because I have no desire to make the controller and run the tournament anymore.

Draughts (or checkers, as it is known in the United States) is a well-known international game. I was surprised that we have not had a draughts King of the Hill yet, so here's one! In case you're unfamiliar with the rules (or perhaps you need a refresher), here are the rules for English draughts, the version we will be playing.

Draughts is played on a checkerboard that looks like this:

draughts board

There are two players, white and red, who sit on the side of the board closest to their pieces' starting position. White moves first. Normal pieces (men) may move forward (from the perspective of the player; towards the other player) one space along diagonals, or jump over diagonally-adjacent pieces that are in front of them to capture them and remove them from the game. Because pieces can only move diagonally, they will always be on the dark squares of the board.

For example, the following move is permitted, and would result in the red piece being captured:


Players may jump as many pieces in a row as possible when making their move, which results in all jumped pieces being removed. Normally in draughts, jumping is not optional - if you can jump, you must jump, and you must make the longest jump possible. However, for this game, jumping is optional, and you do not have to make the longest jump possible if you do not wish to.

Additionally, when a man reaches the furthest row (the row closest to their opponent), it is promoted to a "king", which confers the ability to move (and capture) backwards along diagonals.

A game is ended when a player's pieces have all been captured or the player cannot make a valid move. The player who cannot move due to being trapped or having no pieces is the loser. To prevent games from going indefinitely, I am adding the additional condition that, if a capture has not happened in 10 turns (a turn being defined as ending after the red player has made their move), the game is ended and declared a draw.

###The Tournament

Submissions will be accepted for seven days following the posting of this question. At 11:59 PM UTC on the seventh day, registration will close, and the tournament will be run soon after.

Submissions will compete in a round-robin tournament. 5 points will be awarded for a win, 2 points for a draw, and 0 points for a loss. 10 games will be played per match, for each pair of contestants. The submission with the highest score at the end of the tournament will be declared the winner and chosen as the accepted answer. In the event of a tie, total number of wins will be used to decide the winner.

If a bot makes an invalid move or takes longer than 1 second (judged using Java's Timer class), it will be ruled as a forfeit for that game.

To make things simple for me, all submissions must be in Java, and will be classes that inherit from a common Bot interface. The Bot code and Controller class are provided below:

[todo: bot and controller code]

King Me - Draughts King of the Hill

Note: I made this CW so someone else can take it over, because I have no desire to make the controller and run the tournament anymore.

Draughts (or checkers, as it is known in the United States) is a well-known international game. I was surprised that we have not had a draughts King of the Hill yet, so here's one! In case you're unfamiliar with the rules (or perhaps you need a refresher), here are the rules for English draughts, the version we will be playing.

Draughts is played on a checkerboard that looks like this:

draughts board

There are two players, white and red, who sit on the side of the board closest to their pieces' starting position. White moves first. Normal pieces (men) may move forward (from the perspective of the player; towards the other player) one space along diagonals, or jump over diagonally-adjacent pieces that are in front of them to capture them and remove them from the game. Because pieces can only move diagonally, they will always be on the dark squares of the board.

For example, the following move is permitted, and would result in the red piece being captured:


Players may jump as many pieces in a row as possible when making their move, which results in all jumped pieces being removed. Normally in draughts, jumping is not optional - if you can jump, you must jump, and you must make the longest jump possible. However, for this game, jumping is optional, and you do not have to make the longest jump possible if you do not wish to.

Additionally, when a man reaches the furthest row (the row closest to their opponent), it is promoted to a "king", which confers the ability to move (and capture) backwards along diagonals.

A game is ended when a player's pieces have all been captured or the player cannot make a valid move. The player who cannot move due to being trapped or having no pieces is the loser. To prevent games from going indefinitely, I am adding the additional condition that, if a capture has not happened in 10 turns (a turn being defined as ending after the red player has made their move), the game is ended and declared a draw.

The Tournament

Submissions will be accepted for seven days following the posting of this question. At 11:59 PM UTC on the seventh day, registration will close, and the tournament will be run soon after.

Submissions will compete in a round-robin tournament. 5 points will be awarded for a win, 2 points for a draw, and 0 points for a loss. 10 games will be played per match, for each pair of contestants. The submission with the highest score at the end of the tournament will be declared the winner and chosen as the accepted answer. In the event of a tie, total number of wins will be used to decide the winner.

If a bot makes an invalid move or takes longer than 1 second (judged using Java's Timer class), it will be ruled as a forfeit for that game.

To make things simple for me, all submissions must be in Java, and will be classes that inherit from a common Bot interface. The Bot code and Controller class are provided below:

[todo: bot and controller code]

added 138 characters in body
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##King Me - Draughts King of the Hill

Note: I made this CW so someone else can take it over, because I have no desire to make the controller and run the tournament anymore.

Draughts (or checkers, as it is known in the United States) is a well-known international game. I was surprised that we have not had a draughts King of the Hill yet, so here's one! In case you're unfamiliar with the rules (or perhaps you need a refresher), here are the rules for English draughts, the version we will be playing.

Draughts is played on a checkerboard that looks like this:

draughts board

There are two players, white and red, who sit on the side of the board closest to their pieces' starting position. White moves first. Normal pieces (men) may move forward (from the perspective of the player; towards the other player) one space along diagonals, or jump over diagonally-adjacent pieces that are in front of them to capture them and remove them from the game. Because pieces can only move diagonally, they will always be on the dark squares of the board.

For example, the following move is permitted, and would result in the red piece being captured:


Players may jump as many pieces in a row as possible when making their move, which results in all jumped pieces being removed. Normally in draughts, jumping is not optional - if you can jump, you must jump, and you must make the longest jump possible. However, for this game, jumping is optional, and you do not have to make the longest jump possible if you do not wish to.

Additionally, when a man reaches the furthest row (the row closest to their opponent), it is promoted to a "king", which confers the ability to move (and capture) backwards along diagonals.

A game is ended when a player's pieces have all been captured or the player cannot make a valid move. The player who cannot move due to being trapped or having no pieces is the loser. To prevent games from going indefinitely, I am adding the additional condition that, if a capture has not happened in 10 turns (a turn being defined as ending after the red player has made their move), the game is ended and declared a draw.

###The Tournament

Submissions will be accepted for seven days following the posting of this question. At 11:59 PM UTC on the seventh day, registration will close, and the tournament will be run soon after.

Submissions will compete in a round-robin tournament. 5 points will be awarded for a win, 2 points for a draw, and 0 points for a loss. 10 games will be played per match, for each pair of contestants. The submission with the highest score at the end of the tournament will be declared the winner and chosen as the accepted answer. In the event of a tie, total number of wins will be used to decide the winner.

If a bot makes an invalid move or takes longer than 1 second (judged using Java's Timer class), it will be ruled as a forfeit for that game.

To make things simple for me, all submissions must be in Java, and will be classes that inherit from a common Bot interface. The Bot code and Controller class are provided below:

[todo: bot and controller code]

##King Me - Draughts King of the Hill

Draughts (or checkers, as it is known in the United States) is a well-known international game. I was surprised that we have not had a draughts King of the Hill yet, so here's one! In case you're unfamiliar with the rules (or perhaps you need a refresher), here are the rules for English draughts, the version we will be playing.

Draughts is played on a checkerboard that looks like this:

draughts board

There are two players, white and red, who sit on the side of the board closest to their pieces' starting position. White moves first. Normal pieces (men) may move forward (from the perspective of the player; towards the other player) one space along diagonals, or jump over diagonally-adjacent pieces that are in front of them to capture them and remove them from the game. Because pieces can only move diagonally, they will always be on the dark squares of the board.

For example, the following move is permitted, and would result in the red piece being captured:


Players may jump as many pieces in a row as possible when making their move, which results in all jumped pieces being removed. Normally in draughts, jumping is not optional - if you can jump, you must jump, and you must make the longest jump possible. However, for this game, jumping is optional, and you do not have to make the longest jump possible if you do not wish to.

Additionally, when a man reaches the furthest row (the row closest to their opponent), it is promoted to a "king", which confers the ability to move (and capture) backwards along diagonals.

A game is ended when a player's pieces have all been captured or the player cannot make a valid move. The player who cannot move due to being trapped or having no pieces is the loser. To prevent games from going indefinitely, I am adding the additional condition that, if a capture has not happened in 10 turns (a turn being defined as ending after the red player has made their move), the game is ended and declared a draw.

###The Tournament

Submissions will be accepted for seven days following the posting of this question. At 11:59 PM UTC on the seventh day, registration will close, and the tournament will be run soon after.

Submissions will compete in a round-robin tournament. 5 points will be awarded for a win, 2 points for a draw, and 0 points for a loss. 10 games will be played per match, for each pair of contestants. The submission with the highest score at the end of the tournament will be declared the winner and chosen as the accepted answer. In the event of a tie, total number of wins will be used to decide the winner.

If a bot makes an invalid move or takes longer than 1 second (judged using Java's Timer class), it will be ruled as a forfeit for that game.

To make things simple for me, all submissions must be in Java, and will be classes that inherit from a common Bot interface. The Bot code and Controller class are provided below:

[todo: bot and controller code]

##King Me - Draughts King of the Hill

Note: I made this CW so someone else can take it over, because I have no desire to make the controller and run the tournament anymore.

Draughts (or checkers, as it is known in the United States) is a well-known international game. I was surprised that we have not had a draughts King of the Hill yet, so here's one! In case you're unfamiliar with the rules (or perhaps you need a refresher), here are the rules for English draughts, the version we will be playing.

Draughts is played on a checkerboard that looks like this:

draughts board

There are two players, white and red, who sit on the side of the board closest to their pieces' starting position. White moves first. Normal pieces (men) may move forward (from the perspective of the player; towards the other player) one space along diagonals, or jump over diagonally-adjacent pieces that are in front of them to capture them and remove them from the game. Because pieces can only move diagonally, they will always be on the dark squares of the board.

For example, the following move is permitted, and would result in the red piece being captured:


Players may jump as many pieces in a row as possible when making their move, which results in all jumped pieces being removed. Normally in draughts, jumping is not optional - if you can jump, you must jump, and you must make the longest jump possible. However, for this game, jumping is optional, and you do not have to make the longest jump possible if you do not wish to.

Additionally, when a man reaches the furthest row (the row closest to their opponent), it is promoted to a "king", which confers the ability to move (and capture) backwards along diagonals.

A game is ended when a player's pieces have all been captured or the player cannot make a valid move. The player who cannot move due to being trapped or having no pieces is the loser. To prevent games from going indefinitely, I am adding the additional condition that, if a capture has not happened in 10 turns (a turn being defined as ending after the red player has made their move), the game is ended and declared a draw.

###The Tournament

Submissions will be accepted for seven days following the posting of this question. At 11:59 PM UTC on the seventh day, registration will close, and the tournament will be run soon after.

Submissions will compete in a round-robin tournament. 5 points will be awarded for a win, 2 points for a draw, and 0 points for a loss. 10 games will be played per match, for each pair of contestants. The submission with the highest score at the end of the tournament will be declared the winner and chosen as the accepted answer. In the event of a tie, total number of wins will be used to decide the winner.

If a bot makes an invalid move or takes longer than 1 second (judged using Java's Timer class), it will be ruled as a forfeit for that game.

To make things simple for me, all submissions must be in Java, and will be classes that inherit from a common Bot interface. The Bot code and Controller class are provided below:

[todo: bot and controller code]

Post Made Community Wiki by user45941
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##King Me - Draughts King of the Hill

Draughts (or checkers, as it is known in the United States) is a well-known international game. I was surprised that we have not had a draughts King of the Hill yet, so here's one! In case you're unfamiliar with the rules (or perhaps you need a refresher), here are the rules for English draughts, the version we will be playing.

Draughts is played on a checkerboard that looks like this:

draughts board

There are two players, white and red, who sit on the side of the board closest to their pieces' starting position. White moves first. Normal pieces (men) may move forward (from the perspective of the player; towards the other player) one space along diagonals, or jump over diagonally-adjacent pieces that are in front of them to capture them and remove them from the game. Because pieces can only move diagonally, they will always be on the dark squares of the board.

For example, the following move is permitted, and would result in the red piece being captured:


Players may jump as many pieces in a row as possible when making their move, which results in all jumped pieces being removed. Normally in draughts, jumping is not optional - if you can jump, you must jump, and you must make the longest jump possible. However, for this game, jumping is optional, and you do not have to make the longest jump possible if you do not wish to.

Additionally, when a man reaches the furthest row (the row closest to their opponent), it is promoted to a "king", which confers the ability to move (and capture) backwards along diagonals.

A game is ended when a player's pieces have all been captured or the player cannot make a valid move. The player who cannot move due to being trapped or having no pieces is the loser. To prevent games from going indefinitely, I am adding the additional condition that, if a capture has not happened in 10 turns (a turn being defined as ending after the red player has made their move), the game is ended and declared a draw.

###The Tournament

Submissions will be accepted for seven days following the posting of this question. At 11:59 PM UTC on the seventh day, registration will close, and the tournament will be run soon after.

Submissions will compete in a round-robin tournament. 5 points will be awarded for a win, 2 points for a draw, and 0 points for a loss. 10 games will be played per match, for each pair of contestants. The submission with the highest score at the end of the tournament will be declared the winner and chosen as the accepted answer. In the event of a tie, total number of wins will be used to decide the winner.

If a bot makes an invalid move or takes longer than 5 seconds1 second (judged using Java's Timer class), it will be ruled as a forfeit for that game.

To make things simple for me, all submissions must be in Java, and will be classes that inherit from a common Bot interface. The Bot code and Controller class are provided below:

[todo: bot and controller code]

##King Me - Draughts King of the Hill

Draughts (or checkers, as it is known in the United States) is a well-known international game. I was surprised that we have not had a draughts King of the Hill yet, so here's one! In case you're unfamiliar with the rules (or perhaps you need a refresher), here are the rules for English draughts, the version we will be playing.

Draughts is played on a checkerboard that looks like this:

draughts board

There are two players, white and red, who sit on the side of the board closest to their pieces' starting position. White moves first. Normal pieces (men) may move forward (from the perspective of the player; towards the other player) one space along diagonals, or jump over diagonally-adjacent pieces that are in front of them to capture them and remove them from the game. Because pieces can only move diagonally, they will always be on the dark squares of the board.

For example, the following move is permitted, and would result in the red piece being captured:


Players may jump as many pieces in a row as possible when making their move, which results in all jumped pieces being removed. Normally in draughts, jumping is not optional - if you can jump, you must jump, and you must make the longest jump possible. However, for this game, jumping is optional, and you do not have to make the longest jump possible if you do not wish to.

Additionally, when a man reaches the furthest row (the row closest to their opponent), it is promoted to a "king", which confers the ability to move (and capture) backwards along diagonals.

A game is ended when a player's pieces have all been captured or the player cannot make a valid move. The player who cannot move due to being trapped or having no pieces is the loser. To prevent games from going indefinitely, I am adding the additional condition that, if a capture has not happened in 10 turns (a turn being defined as ending after the red player has made their move), the game is ended and declared a draw.

###The Tournament

Submissions will be accepted for seven days following the posting of this question. At 11:59 PM UTC on the seventh day, registration will close, and the tournament will be run soon after.

Submissions will compete in a round-robin tournament. 5 points will be awarded for a win, 2 points for a draw, and 0 points for a loss. 10 games will be played per match, for each pair of contestants. The submission with the highest score at the end of the tournament will be declared the winner and chosen as the accepted answer. In the event of a tie, total number of wins will be used to decide the winner.

If a bot makes an invalid move or takes longer than 5 seconds (judged using Java's Timer class), it will be ruled as a forfeit for that game.

To make things simple for me, all submissions must be in Java, and will be classes that inherit from a common Bot interface. The Bot code and Controller class are provided below:

[todo: bot and controller code]

##King Me - Draughts King of the Hill

Draughts (or checkers, as it is known in the United States) is a well-known international game. I was surprised that we have not had a draughts King of the Hill yet, so here's one! In case you're unfamiliar with the rules (or perhaps you need a refresher), here are the rules for English draughts, the version we will be playing.

Draughts is played on a checkerboard that looks like this:

draughts board

There are two players, white and red, who sit on the side of the board closest to their pieces' starting position. White moves first. Normal pieces (men) may move forward (from the perspective of the player; towards the other player) one space along diagonals, or jump over diagonally-adjacent pieces that are in front of them to capture them and remove them from the game. Because pieces can only move diagonally, they will always be on the dark squares of the board.

For example, the following move is permitted, and would result in the red piece being captured:


Players may jump as many pieces in a row as possible when making their move, which results in all jumped pieces being removed. Normally in draughts, jumping is not optional - if you can jump, you must jump, and you must make the longest jump possible. However, for this game, jumping is optional, and you do not have to make the longest jump possible if you do not wish to.

Additionally, when a man reaches the furthest row (the row closest to their opponent), it is promoted to a "king", which confers the ability to move (and capture) backwards along diagonals.

A game is ended when a player's pieces have all been captured or the player cannot make a valid move. The player who cannot move due to being trapped or having no pieces is the loser. To prevent games from going indefinitely, I am adding the additional condition that, if a capture has not happened in 10 turns (a turn being defined as ending after the red player has made their move), the game is ended and declared a draw.

###The Tournament

Submissions will be accepted for seven days following the posting of this question. At 11:59 PM UTC on the seventh day, registration will close, and the tournament will be run soon after.

Submissions will compete in a round-robin tournament. 5 points will be awarded for a win, 2 points for a draw, and 0 points for a loss. 10 games will be played per match, for each pair of contestants. The submission with the highest score at the end of the tournament will be declared the winner and chosen as the accepted answer. In the event of a tie, total number of wins will be used to decide the winner.

If a bot makes an invalid move or takes longer than 1 second (judged using Java's Timer class), it will be ruled as a forfeit for that game.

To make things simple for me, all submissions must be in Java, and will be classes that inherit from a common Bot interface. The Bot code and Controller class are provided below:

[todo: bot and controller code]

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