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    The Confucius Museum in Qufu, the hometown of the philosopher, in China’s Shandong Province, is a national first-class museum. Its introduction to Confucius features five sections. They are the age of Confucius, the life of Confucius, the wisdom of Confucius, Confucius and Chinese civilization, and Confucius and world civilization. There are also a large number of cultural relics in the museum, including private documents, ancient books, clothes and a large number of ritual instruments.#Confucius #NishanForum2024 #10thNishan

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    China recorded 14.64 million inbound trips made by foreigners in the first half of 2024, up 152.7 percent year on year, the National Immigration Administration said on Friday. Behind the increasing number of inbound tourists is China's expansion of its visa-free "circle of friends" and creation of more favorable conditions to cater to the needs of international travelers. An increasing number of countries have been added to China's visa exemption list. In November 2023, China initiated a unilateral visa-free policy for ordinary passport holders from six countries. In March this year, six additional European countries were included. In late January, China and Thailand signed an agreement on mutual visa exemption which came into effect on March 1. In May, China extended visa exemption entry for citizens from 12 countries on short-term visits to China until the end of 2025. The visa-free policy has encouraged a greater flow of people traveling between China and the world. For example, according to the Geneva office of Air China, 6,364 passengers traveled between Geneva and Beijing in March 2024 following the commencement of the visa exemption policy, up 374.9 percent from a year earlier. Meanwhile, China has put in place numerous reforms to make travel within the country easier for international travelers. In January, China implemented a set of measures to facilitate the entry of foreign nationals into China for business, education and tourism, including a relaxation of port visa application requirements. China has also taken intensive steps to smooth payments for foreign travelers. In March, China released a guideline to optimize payment services using bank cards, promoting cash use and facilitating mobile payment. Foreign users of major payment service providers such as Alipay and WeChat Pay can now link their international credit cards, including Visa and Mastercard, to these platforms. More payment facilities, together with guides and instructions, have been added in scenic spots, shops, metro stations and hotels. The visa-free policy and new measures are designed to help foreigners journey through China and experience the land at first hand. Many tourists share their travel vlogs on social media platforms such as TikTok and YouTube, offering fresh perspectives for the world to discover China. #DeepeningReform #ChinaSeen

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    China sees decade of steady expansion in private economy, specifies priorities for future growth Data from China’s economy planner shows that from 2012 to 2023, the proportion of private enterprises in the country's total number of enterprises increased from 79.4 percent to 92.3 percent. A total of 124 million individually owned businesses had been registered by the end of last year, up from about 40 million in 2012, according to a report released by China’s National Development and Reform Commission late June. The report said that China's comprehensive national strength, deepened reforms, and sci-tech and industrial revolution have provided the foundation, impetus and opportunities for the growth of the private sector. However, the private sector still faces challenges regarding market access, supply of services and business management, the report noted. The report listed six priorities for further promoting the development of the private sector. To optimize the environment for the development of the private economy, the report emphasized the need to promptly revise the detailed rules for fair competition review and expedite the establishment of a unified, standardized, coordinated and scientifically efficient credit repair system. To increase credit support for private enterprises, the report said support should be provided for qualified private enterprises in their initial public offerings and refinancing. Furthermore support should be given to startups and seed-stage entrepreneurship. The report also underscored the need to expedite the enactment of the law on promoting the development of the private economy. The report called for efforts to enhance policy coordination, facilitate capacity building for private enterprises, and cultivate a favorable social environment conducive to the development of the private economy. #DeepeningReform

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    The 10th Nishan Forum on World Civilizations is to be held in Qufu, China’s Shandong province which is the birthplace of ancient Chinese thinker #Confucius (551 B.C.-479 B.C.). The forum offers a platform for renowned scholars and experts in cultural studies to forge better understanding and enhance dialogues among different cultures. Are you familiar with #Confucius? He was a great ancient Chinese philosopher whose influence extends far beyond his own time. We invite you to share your views about Confucius with people around the world. What's his story? How has his wisdom enlightened people? We can't wait to see the fire of wisdom sparked! Leave your version of Confucius understanding in the comments below!  

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    China sees robust foreign trade, international expos champion growth The value of China's international trade in goods and services reached a total of 4.06 trillion yuan in May 2024, increasing by 7 percent year on year, official data released on Friday showed. In U.S. dollar terms, export and import values of the country's international trade in goods and services amounted to 302.5 billion U.S. dollars and 268.9 billion U.S. dollars, respectively, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange said. China remained the top merchandise exporter in 2023 for the seventh straight year with its share in world exports at 14.2 percent, almost the same as the level in 2022, according to Ministry of Commerce data published in April.#DeepeningReform China has also remained the second top merchandise importer in 2023 with a share of 10.6 percent, basically the same as the level in 2022, the ministry said. This showed that China's quality products are welcomed by the global market and imports into China's large domestic market have helped drive the economic growth of other countries, the ministry said. A window into this robust increase in the world’s second largest economy is the latest China International Import Expo (CIIE) which featured the signing of a record-breaking number of contracts. The sixth CIIE saw a total of $78.41 billion worth of tentative deals reached for one-year purchases of goods and services, setting a new high. The figure represents an increase of 6.7 percent from that of last year, according to Sun Chenghai, deputy director of the CIIE Bureau. The unparalleled number of contracts inked and the great enthusiasm of international exhibitors demonstrate once again that the CIIE, as a platform for high-level opening up, as well as an international public good shared by the world, is a strong propeller for global economic growth.  

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    In recent years, Chinese museums embarked on a creative journey, seamlessly blending art, history and innovation. This fusion has revolutionized cultural products and created vibrant spaces that integrate various industries. Museums are now breathing new life into their collections through creative products. In recent years, many museums in China have successfully developed items inspired by their exhibits, attracting an increasing number of visitors. Additionally, a new trend has emerged where museums collaborate with commercial companies to promote traditional culture across different fields.   Moreover, museum night tours are becoming a highlight of China's nighttime economy, offering a new dimension to cultural tourism.   In historical cities like Xi'an and Luoyang, it's common to see young people dressed in Hanfu taking photos at museums, historical sites and scenic areas.   Recently, museum-themed cafés and stores have proliferated across China, capturing the interest of the younger generation. For instance, the Shanghai History Museum has opened a coffee shop with historical decor, blending cultural heritage with contemporary tastes.   In 2023, China set a new record for museum attendance. Over 6,000 museums nationwide recorded a staggering 1.29 billion visits throughout the year, according to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.   According to China's online travel agency Ctrip, people born in the 2000s constituted the third-largest group purchasing museum tickets in 2023, following those born in the 1980s and 1990s. Additionally, the amount of cultural and museum-themed tourist products purchased by young people born in the 2000s was 9.2 times the amount in 2022. #DeepeningReform

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    Every summer, grand canoe dragon boat races are held in Taijiang County and Shibing County in Guizhou Province, as the local people of the Miao ethnic group mark the Canoe Dragon Boat Festival. The festival is celebrated from the 24th to the 27th day of the fifth month of the traditional Chinese calendar. This year, it falls from June 29 to July 2. The races feature special canoe dragon boats that are between 24 and 27 meters long and weigh three to four tons. The body of each boat is made from three tree trunks. The larger one in the middle and two smaller ones on either side are tied together to form a single structure. The festival also includes various rituals that reflect local cultural and religious traditions. The Canoe Dragon Boat Festival of the Miao ethnic group was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage in 2008.

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    Consumption continues to rebound in China, fueling growth momentum The growth engine of consumption is roaring in the world’s second largest economy. #DeepeningReform Official data shows that China's GDP expanded 5.3 percent year on year in the first quarter of 2024, with domestic consumption contributing 73.7 percent to economic growth. The retail sales of consumer goods expanded by 3.7 percent year on year in May to 3.92 trillion yuan (about $551 billion). E-commerce has been used to find new ways to match demand and supply across social media platforms, while investment in brick-and-mortar shopping centers has rebounded. Owners of online consumer goods stores can link their digital shelves directly to their accounts via short video apps. When viewing a product demo, a buyer is only a click away from adding it to their basket.     According to the China Internet Network Information Center, over 900 million people in China shop online; 95.1 percent and 88.5 percent of those born in the 1990s and 2000s, respectively, are online shoppers.   Physical stores are making a comeback too, with 400 new shopping malls opening for business across the country in 2023. As of the end of 2022, China boasted approximately 6,700 shopping malls, with each covering an area of over 30,000 square meters on average. China’s e-commerce giants have also developed offline branches, tapping into the returning footfall for profits. China is now moving to introduce more measures to unleash the pent-up consumer needs across different industries. More countries are set to be included in China’s visa-free transit policy, and inbound flights from major passenger source countries are expected to increase in number. Meanwhile, Chinese cities with restrictions on vehicle purchases are being encouraged to ease these limitations and provide additional quotas. Local governments have been urged to support vehicle replacement and renewal when conditions allow. Furthermore, China will take measures to support the purchase of new-generation high-tech electronics, such as smart wearable devices and AI-powered humanoid robots. Consumption has played a vital role in bolstering economic growth, underscoring the country’s steady transformation toward a domestic consumption-driven economy. China has vowed to expand domestic demand while promoting steady growth in consumer spending this year, according to the latest government work report.

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    The photos show one of the most remarkable archaeological findings in China during the 20th century. The Shi Qiang-pan, or Shi Qiang Plate, is a bronze ceremonial artifact from late 900 BC, dedicated to ancestral worship. Discovered in Fufeng County, Shaanxi Province, in 1976, this artifact dates back to the period when the region was under the feudal rule of the Western Zhou royal house (1046-770 BC). The plate is particularly notable for the inscription of 284 ancient Chinese characters on the bottom inside surface. These inscriptions detail the accomplishments of the Zhou founders and, in parallel, the deeds of the donor's ancestors from a clan called "Wei." "Qiang" is the donor's name, and "Shi" is his official title in court. The achievements of the early Zhou rulers are frequently mentioned in chronicles compiled much later. The Shi Qiang-pan provides one of the earliest confirmations of these written documents, symbolizing the developing consciousness of historical record-keeping in early Chinese civilization. Later Zhou period thinker #Confucius and his followers believed that the ritual codes passing down from the dynasty's early days served as vehicles for conveying the political and religious principles of their own age. The discovery of the Shi Qiang-pan allows modern audiences to gain a close insight into that ancient system. #ChinaInInk #ChinaSeen

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