
UT Elementary Pre-Concert Practice



The faculty and students in the Center for Music Learning investigate the processes of human skill development, integrating the results of systematic research from multiple disciplines with effective practices in music performance and pedagogy. By bringing together expert teachers, performers, composers, psychologists, neuroscientists, and physiologists, the activities of the Center encompass the fundamental dimensions of human learning. Our goal is to inform the design of curricula, the implementation of instruction, and the assessment of learning, all premised on a deep understanding of cognitive-, perceptual-, and motor-skill development, and the shaping of attitudes and emotions that are a part of every meaningful learning experience.

You will find on our website, in addition to descriptions of the Center's activities, a wide range of resources that include research reports, open-source instructional materials, and links to other valuable resources available online. If you're new to CML, my colleagues and I invite you to explore what's here and learn about our work. We hope that you and your students will be inspired to think about music and human learning in ways that you may have yet to consider.

Bob Duke, Director

Upcoming Events

29 Apr  UT Last Class Day

10-11 May University Commencement Ceremonies

13-16 Jun  The Neurociences and Music VIII: Wiring, re-wiring, and well-being

22-26 Jul  International Society for Music Education Research Commission

24-28 Jul  Society for Music Perception and Cognition

28 Jul - 2 Aug  International Society for Music Education General Meeting

26 Aug  Classes Begin