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Questions tagged [comparative-religion]

Systematic comparison of doctrines and practices of world religions

2 votes
4 answers

Trinity (Christians) = Trimurti (Hindus)?

I have heard about the concept ot Trimurti in Hinduism Wiki. One for construction (Brahma), one for protection (Vishnu) and one for destruction (Shiva). And somehow I feel it is related to Trinity in ...
Anto Varghese's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Is Christianity more friendly to its own Scripture translation than other religions? If so, why?

Christianity seems to me to embrace translation of its scriptural writings far more than other religions, and to give such translations nearly equal weight with the approximations of the original ...
user avatar
9 votes
7 answers

What assures Christians that they alone are saved?

Christians claim that "they are saved by the sacrifice of Jesus." But there are also members of many other faiths who claim that they are saved. For example, apart from affirming Jesus to be the ...
JesusBoughtIslam's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What guidance has Scripture or church fathers offered on how to deal with sacred objects of other religions?

I've heard of a case of a Christian tearing up a prayer booklet of another religion in a somewhat violent manner. Is this action in tune with Christian tradition or conflict with any biblical edicts?
pterandon's user avatar
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1 answer

Is faith in The Holy Trinity a choice or a gift?

In the past and up till now, the majority of humans have believed in some form of deity. Now assume out of all those deities, only the The Holy Trinity is the only true God: And this is eternal ...
user4167's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Is there a group of Christians that believes that Jesus was resurrected metaphorically rather than physically?

Is there a group of Christians or confession that believes that Jesus was resurrected metaphorically rather than physically? Sometimes I encountered with opinions that Jesus was resurrected in the ...
Anixx's user avatar
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0 answers

Do people in non-Christian cultures use swear words related to the dominant religion? [closed]

As I'm sure you're aware, people in English-speaking Christian countries often use the words "God" and "Jesus" or other Bible-related words like "damn" and "Hell" as swear words. Do people in non-...
Jay's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Does Christianity give a reason for life experiences, such as in Hinduism? [closed]

In Hinduism, there is a concept of past life karma. Meaning if someone is born into an unfortunate situation (in a slum, for example) it is because they are paying for sin from a past life. Does ...
Greg McNulty's user avatar
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-1 votes
4 answers

Is paganism compatible with Christianity? [closed] defines Pagan as: of a people or community observing a polytheistic religion, as the ancient Romans and Greeks. 2.a person who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim. ...
rpeg's user avatar
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43 votes
13 answers

What is unique about Christianity? [closed]

Inspired by this question: How do Christians explain commonalities between their religion, other major faiths and obscure isolated tribal belief systems? What is fundamentally unique about ...
Flimzy's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

How do Christians explain commonalities between their religion, other major faiths and obscure isolated tribal belief systems?

Many belief systems share common themes; an afterlife, rebirth, bodily mutilation and sacrifice. To me this suggests a shared origin either in history or storytelling (Abrahamic faiths) or that they ...
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57 votes
6 answers

What is the basis for saying Christians and Muslims worship the same God?

Muslims claim that they worship the same god as Christians do. (Similarly, Christians claim to worship the same God as the Jews do.) Are there any Christian denominations that accept this claim? If ...
Richard's user avatar
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