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Trying to understand each of the component words of the phrase 辛苦

辛 xin means bitter busuo

苦苦 seems to be the symbol you see at weddings (?)


What are the full etymological meanings of each of the words, and why does combining them together mean 辛苦? (Why isn't bushou a tag)

edit: i am curious more about why combining the two characters together mean what they mean?

Trying to understand each of the component words of the phrase 辛苦

辛 xin means bitter busuo

苦苦 seems to be the symbol you see at weddings (?)


What are the full etymological meanings of each of the words, and why does combining them together mean 辛苦? (Why isn't bushou a tag)

Trying to understand each of the component words of the phrase 辛苦

辛 xin means bitter busuo

苦苦 seems to be the symbol you see at weddings (?)


What are the full etymological meanings of each of the words, and why does combining them together mean 辛苦? (Why isn't bushou a tag)

edit: i am curious more about why combining the two characters together mean what they mean?

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辛苦 meaning and bushou for 辛 and 苦

Trying to understand each of the component words of the phrase 辛苦

辛 xin means bitter busuo

苦苦 seems to be the symbol you see at weddings (?)


What are the full etymological meanings of each of the words, and why does combining them together mean 辛苦? (Why isn't bushou a tag)