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Commonmark migration
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自...起 since

It is correct, "???" means "Since ???"

  • 自 = from

  • 起 = begin

"(自) ??? (起)" = "(begin from) ???" = "(Since)???"


e.g."七月禁止捕魚" (Ban on fishing since July)

Other common structures with 自:

"(from) ??? 以來(thereafter)" = "since ???"


e.g. 美國立國以來 (Since the founding of the United States thereafter)


" (from) ??? 以後/之後 (after)" = "since ???"


e.g. 美國立國以後 (Since after the founding of the United States)

自...起 since

It is correct, "???" means "Since ???"

  • 自 = from

  • 起 = begin

"(自) ??? (起)" = "(begin from) ???" = "(Since)???"


e.g."七月禁止捕魚" (Ban on fishing since July)

Other common structures with 自:

"(from) ??? 以來(thereafter)" = "since ???"


e.g. 美國立國以來 (Since the founding of the United States thereafter)


" (from) ??? 以後/之後 (after)" = "since ???"


e.g. 美國立國以後 (Since after the founding of the United States)

自...起 since

It is correct, "???" means "Since ???"

  • 自 = from

  • 起 = begin

"(自) ??? (起)" = "(begin from) ???" = "(Since)???"

e.g."七月禁止捕魚" (Ban on fishing since July)

Other common structures with 自:

"(from) ??? 以來(thereafter)" = "since ???"

e.g. 美國立國以來 (Since the founding of the United States thereafter)

" (from) ??? 以後/之後 (after)" = "since ???"

e.g. 美國立國以後 (Since after the founding of the United States)

added 131 characters in body
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Tang Ho
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自...起 since

It is correct, "???" means "Since ???"

  • 自 = from

  • 起 = begin

"(自) ??? (起)" = "(begin from) ???" = "(Since)???"

e.g."七月禁止捕魚" (Ban on fishing since July)

anotherOther common structurestructures with 自:

"自"(from) ??? 以來以來(thereafter)" = "Since"since ???"

e.g. 美國立國以來 (Since the founding of the United States thereafter)

" (from) ??? 以後/之後 (after)" = "since ???"

e.g. 美國立國以後 (Since after the founding of the United States)

自...起 since

It is correct, "???" means "Since ???"

  • 自 = from

  • 起 = begin

"(自) ??? (起)" = "(begin from) ???" = "(Since)???"

e.g."七月禁止捕魚" (Ban on fishing since July)

another common structure with 自:

"自(from) ??? 以來(thereafter)" = "Since ???"

e.g. 美國立國以來 (Since the founding of the United States)

自...起 since

It is correct, "???" means "Since ???"

  • 自 = from

  • 起 = begin

"(自) ??? (起)" = "(begin from) ???" = "(Since)???"

e.g."七月禁止捕魚" (Ban on fishing since July)

Other common structures with 自:

"(from) ??? 以來(thereafter)" = "since ???"

e.g. 美國立國以來 (Since the founding of the United States thereafter)

" (from) ??? 以後/之後 (after)" = "since ???"

e.g. 美國立國以後 (Since after the founding of the United States)

added 216 characters in body
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Tang Ho
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自...起 since

It is correct, "???" means "Since ???"

  • 自 = from

  • 起 = begin

"(自) ??? (起)" = "(begin from) ???" = "(Since)???"

e.g."七月禁止捕魚" (Ban on fishing since July)

another common structure with 自:

"自(from) ??? 以來(thereafter)" = "Since ???"

e.g. 美國立國以來 (Since the founding of the United States)

自...起 since

It is correct, "???" means "Since ???"

  • 自 = from

  • 起 = begin

"(自) ??? (起)" = "(begin from) ???" = "(Since)???"

自...起 since

It is correct, "???" means "Since ???"

  • 自 = from

  • 起 = begin

"(自) ??? (起)" = "(begin from) ???" = "(Since)???"

e.g."七月禁止捕魚" (Ban on fishing since July)

another common structure with 自:

"自(from) ??? 以來(thereafter)" = "Since ???"

e.g. 美國立國以來 (Since the founding of the United States)

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Tang Ho
  • 79.9k
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