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China Change Chinese police forcefully enter woman’s home and arrest her for internet posts
This video emerged on the internet recently, reportedly from Shenzhen, showing a woman detained by police for internet posts she had made. [...] Keep reading »
China Change We are testing new designs on China Change website…
We have accidentally sent you a testing post. We apologize. Please disregard. Thank you for your patience. — The Editors [...] Keep reading »
China Change Terence Halliday Speaking on the Third Anniversary of the 709 Crackdown
Terence Halliday, a research professor at the American Bar Foundation, and co-author of Criminal Defense in China: The Politics of Lawyers at Work, spoke at Fordham University on July 8, marking the third anniversary of the 709 crackdown. [...] Keep reading »
China Change Video Introduction to the Second Annual China Human Rights Lawyers’ Day
This video was the introductory piece for the Second Annual China Human Rights Lawyers' Day held at Fordham University on July 8, 2018. [...] Keep reading »
China Change 709 Crackdown Three Years On: Xie Yanyi
Xie Yanyi, a human rights lawyer and 709 crackdown victim who was held in paramilitary detention and tortured in custody, speaks about his experiences. [...] Keep reading »
China Change Sui Muqing on the 709 Crackdown Three Years on: ‘You’re Guilty of Whatever Crime They Say You Are’
Sui Muqing, a human rights lawyer in China, reflects on his experiences in legal rights defense as the Chinese Communist Party undertakes a campaign of suppression of those like him. [...] Keep reading »
China Change Global Announcement of the Memorial on the First Anniversary of Liu Xiaobo’s Passing
Gethsemane Church, Berlin, June 26, 2018       Upon the first anniversary of the death of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Liu Xiaobo, a public memorial will be held in the Gethsemane Church (at Stargarder Str. 77, 10437) in Berlin, on July 13, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. On this day last year, China’s most famous political prisoner perished in c [...] Keep reading »
China Change Re-send: Dear Subscribers (2)
June 6, 2016   China Change just marked its third anniversary on June 4, and here I am, writing you our second “Dear Subscribers” letter. It’s a relief that I don’t have to explain what we do at China Change, as you know us well enough, and value us enough, to have us delivered to your mailbox. It’s an incredible honor. Over these th [...] Keep reading »
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