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3 votes
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Fluorescence quenching by palladium(II) vs. platinum(II) complexes

Why do we observe much stronger (in most cases complete) fluorescence quenching by $\ce{Pd^2+}$ than $\ce{Pt^2+}?$ I work with complexes of both metals and there is no real 100% explanation I can find ...
TheChemist's user avatar
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Antisymmetrized Product of Strongly Orthogonal Geminal (APSG) method

To get a deeper understanding of electronic structure methods, like Hartree-Fock, MP2, and Coupled Cluster method, there are many small programs (codes) available in Python, C++ or Fortran, for ...
UCU110's user avatar
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10 votes
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What is Nesbet's theorem?

In a talk by Frank Neese there was a slide with title "Nesbet's theorem" and an equation indicating something like "if your wavefunction has the double excitation amplitudes correct, then you can get ...
user1271772's user avatar
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Where can I get potential energy surface for simple molecules?

I'm looking for potential energy functions for simple molecules, such as water or hydrogen sulfide. I only need the region around the equilibrium geometry, preferably as a Taylor series expanded in ...
GingerBadger's user avatar
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Can someone suggest me important references for deriving EOM in MCSCF?

I am currently starting a project dealing with MCSCF method. Can someone please give me references (papers or lecture notes are preferred) which may be considered as the "corner stones" in the history ...
nougako's user avatar
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13 votes
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What function is used to graph the potential curve of two hydrogens with parallel spins?

TL; DR I am asking for an analytic potential curve function for the triplet state of $\ce{H2}$ (preferred) with experimental parameters, or experimental data (enough points to realise a smooth-...
Linear Christmas's user avatar
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Advanced Quantum Chemistry Reference for Reactivity Phenomena

I'm currently in organic synthesis seeking to develop quantitative "physical" (that of a physicist), rather than "chemical", intuition for areas where traditional VSEPR/ MO models cannot fully ...
Dragonsheep's user avatar
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Error hunting: Guidelines on detecting error cancellation and locating their sources as much as possible?

It is known in computational chemistry, when computing e.g. electronic ground states energy and geometric paramters (bond lengths, angles, torsions etc.) of a given molecule using an ab initio or DFT ...
Secret's user avatar
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7 votes
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Quantum mechanical (or QFT) description of mesomeric effect

This is rather a question about finding the right literature, since the answer would probably exceed a typical forum post. In organic reactions, mesomeric and inductive effects are of tremendous ...
bolzep's user avatar
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22 votes
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f-electrons in chemistry of heavy transition metals

In one lecture at a recent MCR-X conference I was puzzled by a side-note "f-hole is critical to describe DoS of $\ce{IrO2}$ correctly." The context was DFT periodic plane-wave calculations ...
permeakra's user avatar
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9 votes
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How to choose proper active space in method such as CASPT2 and CASSCF?

I am confused about other research paper which use CASPT2 method. I am not clear about how to choose active space. What can I refer to? (tutorial reviews, papers, or any other things)
Chao Song's user avatar
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19 votes
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Do modern dispersion-corrected DFT methods give more accurate molecular geometries?

I was discussing with a colleague the use of modern dispersion-corrected density functionals. I take it almost as a given that the methods generally produce "better" (for some definition) geometries, ...
Geoff Hutchison's user avatar
30 votes
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Imaginary Bonding Interactions

Usually in chemistry, we deal with bonding interactions. That is, if I have the diatomic A-A molecule or A-B molecule, there's a favorable interaction (i.e., a bond) and a prototypical MO diagram like ...
Geoff Hutchison's user avatar
8 votes
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Tunneling corrections in reaction rates

I've studied Transition State Theory since I asked this a while ago, but so far I have not been able to find a detailed explanation of how tunneling corrections are implemented into reaction rates ...
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22 votes
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DFT Code for Atoms : Sources

Some time ago I implemented the restricted and unrestricted Hartree-Fock methods. I had a lot of fun and I learned a lot. It goes without saying that Szabo and Ostlund's book "Modern Quantum Chemistry"...
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