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Would adding acetic acid from household vinegar to washing machine make it too dilute to be of useeffective?

Adding Acetic Acid (from vinegar) Would adding acetic acid to Laundry Machine Too Dilutedwashing machine make it too dilute to be of use?

Many people advise adding a cup of acetic acid (vinegar) to one's laundry during the clean cycle. From my calculations, considering one cup of acetic acid and a top gallon machine (at 40 gallons), it would seem this would completely dilute the concentration next to nothing.

Is this correct or am I missing something? Someone had mentioned something about acetic acid being a weak acid, but I'm not sure what that means in this context.

Adding Acetic Acid (from vinegar) to Laundry Machine Too Diluted

Many people advise adding a cup of acetic acid to one's laundry during the clean cycle. From my calculations, considering one cup of acetic acid and a top gallon machine (at 40 gallons), it would seem this would completely dilute the concentration next to nothing.

Is this correct or am I missing something? Someone had mentioned something about acetic acid being a weak acid, but I'm not sure what that means in this context.

Would adding acetic acid to washing machine make it too dilute to be of use?

Many people advise adding a cup of acetic acid (vinegar) to one's laundry during the clean cycle. From my calculations, considering one cup of acetic acid and a top gallon machine (at 40 gallons), it would seem this would completely dilute the concentration next to nothing.

Is this correct or am I missing something? Someone had mentioned something about acetic acid being a weak acid, but I'm not sure what that means in this context.

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Adding Acetic Acid (from vinegar) to Laundry Machine Too Diluted

Many people advise adding a cup of acetic acid to one's laundry during the clean cycle. From my calculations, considering one cup of acetic acid and a top gallon machine (at 40 gallons), it would seem this would completely dilute the concentration next to nothing.

Is this correct or am I missing something? Someone had mentioned something about acetic acid being a weak acid, but I'm not sure what that means in this context.