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Why only Balmer series of the hydrogen spectrum is visible?

When I was reading about the hydrogen spectrum, I came across the statement about Balmer series:

Only Balmer series of hydrogen spectrum can be visible to our eyes.

As per my study of the hydrogen spectrum the Balmer series is visibleI really got surprised by naked eyes because of the hydrogen atoms present in the universe. Though other series are also present in the universe, propagates in the hydrogen mediumthat. Why can't we able to see other series in hydrogen spectrum line be visible? They surely are emitted just as well?

Why only Balmer series of the hydrogen spectrum is visible?

When I was reading about the hydrogen spectrum, I came across the statement about Balmer series:

Only Balmer series of hydrogen spectrum can be visible to our eyes.

As per my study of the hydrogen spectrum the Balmer series is visible by naked eyes because of the hydrogen atoms present in the universe. Though other series are also present in the universe, propagates in the hydrogen medium. Why can't we able to see other series in hydrogen spectrum?

Why only Balmer series of hydrogen spectrum is visible?

When I was reading about the hydrogen spectrum, I came across the statement:

Only Balmer series of hydrogen spectrum can be visible to our eyes.

I really got surprised by that. Why can't other hydrogen spectrum line be visible? They surely are emitted just as well?

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Why only Balmer series of the hydrogen spectrum is visible?

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When I was reading about the hydrogen spectrum, I came across the statement about Balmer series:

Only Balmer series of hydrogen spectrum can be visible to our eyes.

As per my study of the hydrogen spectrum the Balmer series is visible by naked eyes because of the hydrogen atoms present in the universehydrogen atoms present in the universe. Though other series are also present in the universe, propagates in the hydrogen medium. Why can't we able to see other series in hydrogen spectrum?

When I was reading about the hydrogen spectrum, I came across the statement about Balmer series:

Only Balmer series of hydrogen spectrum can be visible to our eyes.

As per my study of the hydrogen spectrum the Balmer series is visible by naked eyes because of the hydrogen atoms present in the universe. Though other series are also present in the universe, propagates in the hydrogen medium. Why can't we able to see other series in hydrogen spectrum?

When I was reading about the hydrogen spectrum, I came across the statement about Balmer series:

Only Balmer series of hydrogen spectrum can be visible to our eyes.

As per my study of the hydrogen spectrum the Balmer series is visible by naked eyes because of the hydrogen atoms present in the universe. Though other series are also present in the universe, propagates in the hydrogen medium. Why can't we able to see other series in hydrogen spectrum?

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