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The following gas chromatograph, taken from "Review of the different techniques to analyse tritium", labels all but the largest peak. What Given that the analyte is likely to be from some source enriched with heavy isotopes of hydrogen, what is does that largest peak most-likely correspond to? 3He?

The aforelinked secondary source cites only two plausible primary sources, neither of which is available online:

  1. Bachelet, Fabre, Salmon, Brix, Tritium impurities measurements based on gas chromatography, Tritium 2016 conference, Charleston USA

  2. Tetsuo Tanabe Editor Tritium: Fuel of Fusion Reactors Springer 2017

A follow on question: para-H2 is about 25% of ortho-H2 and appear at different times. Why don't similar splits occur between the other isotopic combinations?

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The following gas chromatograph, taken from "Review of the different techniques to analyse tritium", labels all but the largest peak. What does that largest peak correspond to?

A follow on question: para-H2 is about 25% of ortho-H2 and appear at different times. Why don't similar splits occur between the other isotopic combinations?

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The following gas chromatograph, taken from "Review of the different techniques to analyse tritium", labels all but the largest peak. Given that the analyte is likely to be from some source enriched with heavy isotopes of hydrogen, what is does that largest peak most-likely correspond to? 3He?

The aforelinked secondary source cites only two plausible primary sources, neither of which is available online:

  1. Bachelet, Fabre, Salmon, Brix, Tritium impurities measurements based on gas chromatography, Tritium 2016 conference, Charleston USA

  2. Tetsuo Tanabe Editor Tritium: Fuel of Fusion Reactors Springer 2017

A follow on question: para-H2 is about 25% of ortho-H2 and appear at different times. Why don't similar splits occur between the other isotopic combinations?

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Mystery GC peak appearing between 1H2 and various molecular combinations of 1H, 2H and 3H?

The following gas chromatograph, taken from "Review of the different techniques to analyse tritium", labels all but the largest peak. What does that largest peak correspond to?

A follow on question: para-H2 is about 25% of ortho-H2 and appear at different times. Why don't similar splits occur between the other isotopic combinations?

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