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Spectrochemical Does spectrochemical series trend depend on the metal center?

Can the trend of spectrochemical series vary/fluctuate according to the central metal atom (CMA) that is being used.For?

For example, for the CMA Ni^+2$\ce{Ni^2+}$ the ligand H20$\ce{H2O}$ will have more CFSE then NH3than $\ce{NH3}$ because NH3$\ce{NH3}$ acts as a WFLweak field ligand (WFL) for M^+2,$\ce{M^2+},$ even worse then H20$\ce{H2O},$ though NH3$\ce{NH3}$ is placed greaterhigher then H20$\ce{H2O}$ in the spectrochemical series.

Spectrochemical series

Can the trend of spectrochemical series vary/fluctuate according to the central metal atom that is being used.For example for the CMA Ni^+2 the ligand H20 will have more CFSE then NH3 because NH3 acts as a WFL for M^+2, even worse then H20 though NH3 is placed greater then H20 in the spectrochemical series

Does spectrochemical series trend depend on the metal center?

Can the trend of spectrochemical series vary/fluctuate according to the central metal atom (CMA) that is being used?

For example, for the CMA $\ce{Ni^2+}$ the ligand $\ce{H2O}$ will have more CFSE than $\ce{NH3}$ because $\ce{NH3}$ acts as a weak field ligand (WFL) for $\ce{M^2+},$ even worse then $\ce{H2O},$ though $\ce{NH3}$ is placed higher then $\ce{H2O}$ in the spectrochemical series.

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Spectrochemical series

Can the trend of spectrochemical series vary/fluctuate according to the central metal atom that is being used.For example for the CMA Ni^+2 the ligand H20 will have more CFSE then NH3 because NH3 acts as a WFL for M^+2, even worse then H20 though NH3 is placed greater then H20 in the spectrochemical series