I think the closing note for closed homework questions should explicitly contain a short notice about not being limited to literal homework, perhaps mentioning other cases. Assuming the system allows it, it would little improvement of the site at very low cost.

Yes, it is explained in the provided link in the note, how to post such questions properly. But in my experience, many new posters have not got there yet when starting arguing their question is not homework. (Some of them even seem not reading the warning comment till the end, clarifying it. )

It does not help with the user confusion, when the guide link hint *how-do-i-ask-homework-questions-on-chemistry-stack-exchange* looks like it is really all just about homework.

If it was in a short notice directly in the closure note, it may save all parties from unnecessary clarifications. Some of these arguments are prevented, if some senior community member had posted prefabricated, closure warning comments before the closure was done, so it is already clear for them. 

The illustrative phrase to be eventually used in the note can be the one in bold from the meta page [how-do-i-ask-homework-questions-on-chemistry-stack-exchange][1]:

**"This includes not just questions from actual homework assignments, but also self-study problems, puzzles, etc."**

  [1]: https://chemistry.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/141/how-do-i-ask-homework-questions-on-chemistry-stack-exchange