Is there a tool (application, online service) that helps writing the ugly formatting MathJax + mhchem code? I mean things like just typing <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>-<kbd>B</kbd> to get the selected text to **bold** is something else then typing `$\ce{}$` to get `H2O` as $\ce{H2O}$

I do not mean a WYSIWYG editor like the onsite one, or (MathJax only). I mean the help with actual writing the formatting metacharacters. Like macro expansions, buttons for formatting or similar.

As the requirements for a fancy, typographically correct text does not seem to be balanced with the support of available editor tools.

Edit: I do not think MathJax + mhchem is difficult. Just boring and inconvenient to write the code, so any tool help is welcome.