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Questions tagged [mathjax]

MathJax is a JavaScript engine for displaying mathematics in general, and (through the mhchem package) chemical formulas and equations in particular on Chemistry Stack Exchange.

-1 votes
1 answer

Why are compound formulae not rendering properly using \ce tag?

Basically, everywhere I use the \ce tag on chemistry stack exchange, I get wrong formulae. The subscripts are becoming superscripts while the superscripts are becoming subscripts. Is it just me or is ...
ananta's user avatar
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Is a package (e.g., \require {cancel}) still needed for a diagonal strikeout in MathJax?

This post, from six years ago, indicates a diagonal strikeout (e.g., for unit cancellation) can be done by calling the \require {cancel} package: Additions to MathJax/mhchem: Cancel, Broken Arrows; ...
theorist's user avatar
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8 votes
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Extra spacing before mhchem super/subscripts

I'm not entirely sure if this is still the correct platform for mhchem issues, but I've noticed a mildly annoying extra space that occurs just before ...
orthocresol's user avatar
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problems rendering overbar in square root on Main ChemSE site

On the ChemSE site (Is it better to use a smaller, more accurate measuring cylinder several times or a larger, less accurate one for the same volume?), the following MathJax code renders my square ...
theorist's user avatar
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Problem in rendering with arrow

Screenshots of MathJax text, CH3-CHOH ->[H2SO4][\Delta] CH2=CH2 while editing (lower stuffs are cropped): after editing, on post page (both stuffs are cropped)...
Rahul Verma's user avatar
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How to render a square-scheme reaction using MathJax?

I'm try to write a square-scheme reaction using MathJax. Until now I managed this one. ...
grsousajunior's user avatar
6 votes
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Nonconforming MathJax example on the Markdown Editing Help page

The Markdown Editing Help page on Chemistry Stack Exchange ( includes the following short example for the the use of MathJax: ...
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1 vote
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Adding tex symbols to post

This is a two part question: The extent to which tex can be incorporated into a post appears to be outlined here (some links from that question need refreshing btw). Is this the main source of ...
Buck Thorn's user avatar
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Two one-sided arrows from mhchem MathJax extension do not render properly upon conversion to pdf

I am using pdfkit-pythonbased on wkhtmltopdfto convert into pdf a text that contains MathJax ...
mannaia's user avatar
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Using mathrm versus rm MathJax index formatting

I do not understand well, why is so much preferred \mathrm to \rm for index formatting ? (by occurrence and by user script formatting support.) Note that I currently use LaTeX/MathJax only in ...
Poutnik's user avatar
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5 votes
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MathJax mhchem editor

Is there a tool (application, online service) that helps writing the ugly formatting MathJax + mhchem code? I mean things like just typing Ctrl-B to get the selected text to bold is something else ...
Poutnik's user avatar
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7 votes
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Is there a site on ChemSE to practice mhchem and mathjax?

Is there a site on ChemSE to practice mhchem and mathjax? Or does one just learn while asking or answering a question.
user55119's user avatar
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Eliminate huge-locant-marked (by \overset) atom side space

Is it possible to elegantly eliminate side whitespace around the base under the overset, which is longer than the base? E.g. if we wanted to talk about the 123456789th carbon atom of a huge poly(...
mykhal's user avatar
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Formatting problem with \tag markup

I tried adding the following markup to an answer. $$\ce{Zn(s) + Cu^{2+}(aq) → Zn^{2+}(aq) + Cu(s)}\tag{Open Circuit voltage 1.1018 V}$$ ...
MaxW's user avatar
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Formatting hints no shown to user

Why are the basic (math/chemical) formatting hints not always displayed next to the form where users enter new questions, and why is the elementar \ce{...
Karl's user avatar
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2 votes
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Why two different print styles for the x's?

Created the rather nasty markup below. Why are there two different print styles for the x's? ...
MaxW's user avatar
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17 votes
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Introducing: Markdown Shortcuts for Stack Exchange

Inserting Mathjax and making posts look nice is rewarding, but it can often be, well, repetitive and boring :( Well, not any more. I have been testing and improving this userscript for quite some time ...
Gaurang Tandon's user avatar
5 votes
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What to do if mathrm is hugging physical units?

There was some consensus about how to write physical units from mid-2016 onwards on Chem.SE, as apparent from this post. However, it seems like the damage had already been done by that time. I say so ...
Gaurang Tandon's user avatar
6 votes
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Wrong alternative invocation of MathJax

It is commonly known that MathJax can be invoked with $...$ for inline mode and $$...$$ for display mode. The more latex-like ...
Martin - マーチン's user avatar
7 votes
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Does the rendering of the precipitation and gas symbols need improvement?

Doing some markup and noticed something that annoyed me. I wanted to indicate a precipitate or gas such as: \begin{array}{ll} \text{Markup} & \text{Displays}\\\hline \text{\ce{AgCN v + KNO3}} &...
MaxW's user avatar
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8 votes
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Undefined control sequence \pu in official SE Android app

For some reason content produced with \pu{} cannot be rendered properly in official Stack Exchange android app, though \ce{} ...
andselisk's user avatar
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13 votes
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How to render Angstrom and Parts-per notations in MathJax?

Summary: Angstrom, Parts per thousand, Parts per Ten-Thousand cannot be displayed. Prior efforts: Searched Google and Detexify. Angstrom. (The letter), (the diacritic mark). The detexify (...
user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Should we pay attention to possible bugs of MathJax in the apps?

It is quite well known that the (android) app(s) are behind on which MathJax version they are currently using (see here for an example). I find this very unfortunate as many of the newer features, ...
Martin - マーチン's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

MathJax in the Android App

Has anyone else noticed issues with MathJax in the StackExchange app? I'm aware the comments and titles don't render MathJax automatically, but I've also seen questions where certain math expressions ...
Tyberius's user avatar
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This is a TEST QUESTION, examining MathJax scopes

\require{begingroup} \begingroup $ \require{begingroup} \begingroup \text{begingroup Jax} \def\ce#1{\Huge\color{\purple}{\mathrm{I~love~chemistry!}}} $ This is ...
hBy2Py's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Green checkmark or red X with Mathjax/mhchem?

Is there a way to put a green check mark in the body of my text using MathJax/mhchem Syntax? Or a red X to indicate that this thinking is wrong? Something like this: I want to use it while double ...
eromod's user avatar
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19 votes
12 answers

What additional formatting features are available to MathJax (possibly via \require{})?

In his answer to a question about crossing out units in dimensional analysis, Loong notes that the \cancel{} LaTeX command can be enabled in MathJax by using ...
hBy2Py's user avatar
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Dimensional analysis with chemistry equations on stack exchange?

I know we use Mathjax/mhchem. What I would like to know, is if its possible to cross out units as part of dimensional analysis. Here is an example of the desirable effect:
eromod's user avatar
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Enable automatic line-breaking for SVG output

The MathJax configuration for the HTML–CSS output processor includes the option linebreaks: { automatic:true }. When using this output processor (right-click on any ...
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3 votes
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mhchem in Android app configured differently

Bugreport. Take a look at How to write physical units in the Android app (I did with version 1.0.89), you will see that \pu does not render on Android, while it ...
mhchem's user avatar
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