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Questions tagged [editing]

For discussions/ support about editing questions and answers. Common guidelines, best practices, and frequent mistakes may be discussed with this tag. Disagreements between editors are also within the scope.

3 votes
0 answers

Edits by Anonymous user and approved by Community Bot

This is again regarding this post. If I see the history, there are many suggested edits: I can see there is involvement of a moderator who rolled back the edit. Even after rollback, multiple edits ...
Nilay Ghosh's user avatar
  • 26.3k
5 votes
1 answer

I had a question that did not have all of the information needed to fully answer. Is it better to rewrite the question, or start a new question?

There was this question "How do I determine temperature and pressure rise whenever mols of gases are added in a isolated room?" that I attempted to answer - but in the end I found myself in ...
Stephen Elliott's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Edit history doesn't show edited portion - bug?

I was trying to see what edit was made in this particular answer but the edit history doesn't show the edited portion. I thought maybe some extra spaces was wiped out but couldn't figure where was the ...
Nilay Ghosh's user avatar
  • 26.3k
2 votes
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What additional steps do I need to take to change a title of a question back to the original title?

I wrote a question and a day later noticed the title had been edited by another user. The original title: When writing the net ionic equation, if one of the products ionizes, what is the most ...
neurosciencecalc's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Gender-neutral language

The current (2019-10-10) version of the network-wide Code of Conduct emphasizes the use of gender-neutral language. This is not expected to be a significant change for Chemistry Stack Exchange since ...
user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

A clarification regarding the rejection of my recent edit

I apologize beforehand if this seems inappropriate, especially coming from a new user. Please view this link before I proceed: molecular orbital theory explaining molecular orbitals [P.S. : I've kept ...
Firefox1921's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What should be done if one "edit a closed question" and write a "completely new question" such that it gets reopened?

Assume X is an OP. He writes a question A which gets closed. Now, X has a history of writing poor quality questions. So, he cannot post more questions. He then decides to edit his closed question(A). ...
Nilay Ghosh's user avatar
  • 26.3k
9 votes
11 answers

Formatting Sandbox III: please test stuff here

Sandbox II has become as clogged as Sandbox I was (and is), especially for users with 10,000 reputation or above. So, here is a new new post... Before you delete a post here, please reduce it to one ...
0 votes
1 answer

Number of characters in edits

Sometimes in edits, you can give the clarification for your changes as " added xx characters to body." Where is the character count visible on screen? I can not find it from the mobile website.
Micelle's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

How appropriate it is to improve typography of quoted text from the third-party source?

Often there is a quoted question (e.g. a block quote with >) from the textbook with certain typographic flaws which I would edit without any doubts, among which ...
andselisk's user avatar
  • 38.4k
16 votes
2 answers

When a low quality question turns into a fascinating tutoring dialog

A new contributor asked a question, Mechanism of ring formation of an epoxide under acidic aqueous conditions. It has "homework" written all over it. The original title ("did not understand the ...
Karsten's user avatar
  • 41.2k
8 votes
4 answers

Buzzwords Season 9 - Number of Moles (reboot)

For seasons 1-9 see: I question the use of "question" in question titles (search here) Help make help questions have more helpful titles (search here) Houston, we have a "Problem&...
A.K.'s user avatar
  • 12.6k
5 votes
1 answer

MathJax mhchem editor

Is there a tool (application, online service) that helps writing the ugly formatting MathJax + mhchem code? I mean things like just typing Ctrl-B to get the selected text to bold is something else ...
Poutnik's user avatar
  • 42.7k
5 votes
1 answer

Your edit gets rejected, then the reviewer who rejected the edit does essentially your edit...?

I have done some edits to questions, here and on other stack exchanges, and some have been rejected. That is perfectly alright. What is annoying to me though is when my edit is rejected and then the ...
B. Kelly's user avatar
  • 1,104
1 vote
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Heavy question editing

I think the practice of heavy question editing, especially after answer(s) have been provided, especially if the edit contains new facts that the questioning person (or user(s) that have already ...
mykhal's user avatar
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3 votes
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May I convert one of my ill-received, deleted questions to a completely new one in order to try to work towards lifting my question ban?

I recently have asked a question that received no answers but has gotten a down vote. Since this is my first time to ask after 6 months question ban, my options are limited. With the down vote and ...
Muze's user avatar
  • 1
15 votes
2 answers

Are questions being excessively edited?

Someone asks a perfectly reasonably question about aluminum hydroxide, then someone comes along and deletes the word "hydroxide" from the title to make the question sound stupid: Can ...
DavePhD's user avatar
  • 40.8k
6 votes
1 answer

Converting decimal comma to an English dot

We know that $25.00$ in English is actually written as $25{,}00$ in French (and many other languages actually). Weird, but true! Now, non-anglo users frequent our site and often write in such ...
Gaurang Tandon's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Adding your Ideas as Edits to a Question

I came across a question recently in the Chemistry SE. I thought about it a bit and came up with some diagrams, or some other explanation or clarification that could help potential answerers ...
Eashaan Godbole's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Non-English posts: Should edits that offer a translation be entertained?

This was a suggested edit to this post (link to revision in Spanish): From what I can make out (largely thanks to Google Translate), the proposed translation is pretty much correct (and makes minor ...
paracetamol's user avatar
  • 18.8k
12 votes
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Shouldn't the OP be notified if his/her question is put on hold or closed or edited?

I recently asked a question which was put on hold. I was not notified of it being put on hold. I was always notified if my question had any answer or comment. If I had received the notification, I had ...
Apoorv Potnis's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Simultaneous post editing

Recently I noticed that some posts are not editable: Another edit is awaiting approval for this post. Further edits cannot be submitted until the pending edit is reviewed. I thought there is a git-...
andselisk's user avatar
  • 38.4k
5 votes
2 answers

Don't I have the authority to reject any suggested edit?

I have come across a situation that when I edit someone's post, it is kept on hold for 'peer review' and after the approval of the author it reflects on the site. But when someone suggests edit to my ...
chail10's user avatar
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14 votes
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Are you confused by confusing question titles including the word "Confusion"?

You have guessed it: Buzzwords! Long story short - as you can look up the tradition of these posts below - please add Confusion and its derivatives to the list of words that need to be fought as they ...
Martin - マーチン's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Trying to understand reasons of this rejected edit

I just saw a question with title Is there such a thing as an acid without a hydrogen? And I suggested an edit to remove a before hydrogen to make it Is there such a thing as an acid without ...
Hanky Panky's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

What are some basic guidelines for good edits on Chem.SE?

I came across a post on the main site just now that I think could use some changes. I found the editing help page in the Help Center, but its write-up is pretty cursory and high-level. What makes ...
hBy2Py's user avatar
  • 17.4k
7 votes
2 answers

What can I do to clean up old comments?

Comments are ephemeral by nature, and a lot of them get deleted everyday on different sites. (See this) I stumble upon old questions sometimes, which contain some comments, naturally. I know I can ...
M.A.R.'s user avatar
  • 10.7k
22 votes
4 answers

How to handle this Li Zhi guy?

Most who have spent a considerable amount of time on Chem.SE this past year knows Li Zhi. visits on a biweekly or monthly basis: Li Zhi, et al, et al, et al, et al, et al, et al ... quality of the ...
Linear Christmas's user avatar
24 votes
3 answers

absurd edit war

The question and its edit war So this edit war happened. Here's a quick recap: A poster asked a very clear question, two different ways. A user edited the question to eliminate the second phrasing. ...
Curt F.'s user avatar
  • 22k
32 votes
0 answers

20 most viewed questions that need answers (Updated 12 Apr 2024)

Some of these questions do have answers, but these answers have negative votes. Only questions with upvotes will be removed from the list. In addition, this list has new questions sprinkled throughout!...
Melanie Shebel's user avatar

15 30 50 per page