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You deserved that.
Now, I'm off to bed :)
so in other words, the OP is a noob who doesn't know how to program C++
@sehe Yeah i did :(
@DeadMG That, or a troll.
12:07 AM
He must be trolling.
C++ type checking isn't any better than no type checking at all and now I'm going make an idiot of myself by trying to prove it.
He succeeded.
> The compiler cannot help you write better code or avoid bugs. This is an urban legend that, unfortunately, some developers and managers keep propagating. Probably because of the false sense of security that a “Build succeeded” compiler message gives. If you are a manager and you want your team to write better quality code, try to invest a bit more on testing, code reviews, setting up best practices etc. You are Not protected by the compiler.
Yeah. He's a successful troll.
I.e. he succeeded in raising my heart rate.
Maybe he's been experimenting with shrooms ...
OP is a faggot.
12:19 AM
@StackedCrooked To be fair, the article says as much: posted “under [category] Troll.”
That category is accurate :)
@StackedCrooked Really? why?
Because I'm sleep deprived and easily affected by obvious trolls.
It boils down to the good old Someone is wrong on the internet. thing.
omfg someone is wrong? WHERE?
Amplified by sleep-deprivation.
See my link above.
Sleep deprivation is handy because I can use it to blame anything on.
12:29 AM
we're on the internet, I'm too lazy to scroll or care since it happened 5 seconds ago. make me a picture with a cat that jokes about Java factories with that link and I'll get back into it
We're well-oiled content consumers.
hey stacked
why you so crooked?
crooked sounds like something that attracts the chicks.
stacked just got tagged on.
std:: seems to attract them well enough
@StackedCrooked what compiler you got handy?
@stdOrgnlDave Actually.
@stdOrgnlDave GCC 4.7
12:33 AM
nobody ever has Intel's
or any other cool ones
Sorry bout that.
@ScarletAmaranth Seems that the latest One Piece was already posted on April 27.
Oops, that's previous week's episode.
@StackedCrooked Yeah so it would seem, it's nice to see Arlong getting his ass kicked tho. And also the filler intermezzo is comming to an end :)
@StackedCrooked Possibly, lost track, not so eager to watch the fillers.
You mean the Toriko ep?
That's already gone. Currently it's the story of Tiger.
Which isn't filler.
What are you talking about o_O ?
What filler are you talking about?
12:40 AM
the creamy kind
Story of the Tiger is NOT a filler ?
There were two weeks when One Piece did not air. Instead a silly Toriko & One Piece was aired.
Interesting. Do you read manga ?
I've read some parts.
Up until queen otohime.
From after the two year time skip up until Queen Otohime I read the manga.
The last few episodes were quite good actually.
Otohime seems fairly annoying to me :) I mean, the ideas are nice but she yells a lot :P
12:44 AM
Didn't annoy me too much yet.
I guess I easily forgive blondes.
The last few episodes are about the Tiger pirates, not about Otohime.
Yeah but i though those were fillers too.
Definitely not.
Or they would be very high quality fillers.
Well, for instance, when they fell from Skypiea, they landed in "g8" base or something.
Those were fillers too, i didn't even notice until later a friend of mine told me.
Yeah, I remember that.
I can see that.
How could you tell really :P ?
12:47 AM
Those episodes didn't really contain any story elements.
But I didn't now until you told me now.
But currently Fairy Tail is also airing fillers. The reason is that the anime has gotten too close to the manga.
Quality of the Fairy Tail fillers is not that good though.
It's really silly stories.
Also, the last few epis seem to be torn out of context. One episode you're watching them attacking the palace, the other they go around talking random stuff.
I've never seen Fairy ...
But the biggest shit fillers are Bleach. They make up a random story, dress main characters in silly cloths ... one moment you watch the main character own a very very bad guy, the other you watch him trying to save a puppy for a little girl ... filler level: Bleach
Fairy Tail has a few similarities to One Piece. For example it also attaches much importance to nakama.
Yeah, one piece emphasizes nakama so much i actually know what the translation is. That's scary.
The only other word i know is "Kami" :)
(The annoying lightning god guy i can't remember the name of used it a lot.)
@ScarletAmaranth I remember that there were some One Piece fillers where the setting was entirely different. It was a little village were Nami and Sanji had a cafe. And Luffy was the village idiot, etc..
@ScarletAmaranth Kami can mean God, hair or paper.
@StackedCrooked o_O I can't recall that ever happening, but i may have skipped it.
I know only the "god" part :)
Also, the meanings are quite distinct o_O
12:53 AM
@ScarletAmaranth I did skip those because they were really stupid and I was way too eager to find out how the story evolved. (It was the part were they freed Robin.)
@StackedCrooked Yeah then i definitely skipped those ... no matter how good, fillers simply stall the story ... :(
@StackedCrooked Not to mention that I'm fairly eager to see just how powerful Luffy is now.
Did you watch the episodes about the story of Luffy as a kid?
@ScarletAmaranth His fight against Van der Decken was quite good :)
@StackedCrooked That wasn't even a fight :) He simply owned him way too quickly :)
@StackedCrooked yeah i did watch them, but at 1.4speed :P
@ScarletAmaranth I found that to be a little boring at times.
@StackedCrooked Yup, because they were :) The only fillers i really enjoyed and honestly couldn't even tell that those were fillers were the G8 part.
12:56 AM
Especially since the main story had just gotten so interesting.
@StackedCrooked The rest seems somewhat lacking.
@ScarletAmaranth The part were Sanji had to cook and Luffy at all the marine's food?
That was quite entertaining yes.
@StackedCrooked Oh, those were actually fun :P
I watched from episode 1 to 500 in around 3-4 months.
@StackedCrooked The ones where sanji taught the little brat how to cook, right ?
12:58 AM
That could be. I don't remember so well.
@StackedCrooked Yeah i did that in like 1 - 2, whenever i find out about a good serie, i tend to do that :)
@StackedCrooked I watched the whole death note in like a week, same with fullmetal alchemist :)
Wow, you're even more extreme than I am.

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