Conversation started Jan 6, 2017 at 18:50.
Jan 6, 2017 6:50 PM
Hi Shog, Can you ping me when you are free for a few minutes?
I want to discuss about a project similar to Smoke Detector but for NAAs
The dashboard is here
At level 7.0 we have an accuracy of 99.25%
So we have been flagging bad NAA posts since a few days automatically
Now we want to leave autocomments on the posts too. So for this, we need a CMs permission
Something like this comment…
@BhargavRao how many comments?
Just 1 on every bad post
This is one of the auto flagged… (It flags only the very obvious NAAs)
Jan 6, 2017 7:05 PM
@BhargavRao no, I mean how many posts?
as in, how many comments is this thing gonna generate in an hour / day / week?
A max of 30-40 per day. Now the bot has only 11 flags, So 11 until it gets to 30.
Also, telling folks who can't comment that their post should be a comment is... Not productive.
@BhargavRao that's a reasonable start
but, please work on the comments first
make them context-sensitive
Okay, so the comment should be changed. When the user is <50 rep, tell them that they need to wait till they get 50 rep. Correct?
they can...
1) Ask a new question (link to /help/how-to-ask or one of many meta posts on "I have a similar problem but none of the answers work")
2) Read related questions in the sidebar
3) Search for similar questions
"wait" is... extremely unlikely to register as a valid option for someone who is trying to ask a question via an answer.
Of course, if you wanna get clever you can vary this based on whether the author is answering his own question
the /review canned comments do this sort of filtering
adjusting the text based on rep and context
Okay, I think I understood. Can we use the canned comments from the review queue?
Yep, The bot ignores the self answers, for the moment. (As it cannot detect if it is an edit as a answer, or a proper answer).
Jan 6, 2017 7:20 PM
@BhargavRao probably? As long as you don't imply they're from review
OH! One more thing...
Sure, The [From Review] will not be there in our comments.
@BhargavRao Review has a periodic cleanup task that goes back and deletes these comments if they haven't been acted upon (post deleted) or replied to. I would strongly encourage implementing something similar here, even if you're quite confident in their accuracy.
So, for example, if the flag is declined/disputed, don't leave the comment sitting there forever.
@Shog9 That is a really really good idea.
Yep, And it's also possible through the API. So that'd be done.
So the work that we need to do now is, 1. Write proper canned comments, 2. Delete the comments if the post is not deleted within 2 days.
Jan 6, 2017 7:39 PM
@BhargavRao 3) make a meta post before you turn this on & link to it from your flagger's profile, just in case someone wonders about it.
Ah, That's the difficult part. Something like Andy's one on comments?
@Shog9 BTW, We've started testing auto flags now, So do we need to create a meta post for that too?
@BhargavRao one post. Then just keep it up to date
Okay. So once we move to server, I'll post one. Thanks.
And for a final question, @Shog, Would you be free to review the canned comments, once we come up with them?
(Perhaps a Saturday evening or a Sunday morning)
Jan 6, 2017 7:55 PM
@BhargavRao no idea. Feel free to ask then
That's great. I'll ping you once we are ready.
Thanks a lot for spending the past 1 hr, @Shog. Cheers and Happy Weekend :)
Conversation ended Jan 6, 2017 at 19:56.